That who is a sinner?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“What kind of woman she is – that she is a sinner.” (Luke 7:39)
We are often good at knowing what kind of person someone is.
We can tell by how they dress, or how they talk.
After a few sentences, we already make judgments about people.
We size and measure them by what we think we see and know.
As Jesus followers, we should know better than this.
We should know that we are all sinners, with our own issues.
We should see others as our equals – equal in need of mercy.
We should not separate people by ‘what kind of’ person they are.
Because really only God knows them that well.
This Pharisee was convinced he was better than this woman.
But Jesus sees them the same – both sinners, both needing love.
How do I see myself, how do I see others… how does Jesus see us?
Our response to Jesus will depend on how we see ourselves.
When we know ourselves as Jesus does, we will appreciate him better.
Lord, forgive me for separating myself from others. Thank you for welcoming me, and all people, with the same gracious love.


  1. Exactly – Jesus knew she was a sinner: “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner.” We all need to know that as well. We come to the saviour completely stained by sin! The people who came to John the Baptist knew they were too and sought his baptism – but did the Pharisees? Lord, I am a sinner and you know it – but thank you that your response to me is love and mercy! Like you received this ‘sinner’ – me!

  2. First impressions. When we meet someone new we see them through our eyes and not as God/Jesus sees them. There are three ways I am seen – through my own eyes, through other people eyes and through the eyes of Christ. The only true view of me is through the eyes of Christ for He sees me as forgiven. He welcomes all through His love. Love God; love one another.

    Love, love, love, love,
    the gospel in a word is love,
    Love thy neighbor as thy brother,
    love, love, love.
    Peace, peace, peace, peace,
    the gospel in a word is peace,
    Peace that passes understanding,
    peace, peace, peace.
    Joy, joy, joy, joy,
    the gospel in a word is joy,
    Joy that fills to overflowing,
    joy, joy, joy.
    Christ, Christ, Christ, Christ,
    the gospel in a word is Christ,
    Love Him, serve Him, and adore Him,
    Christ, Christ, Christ.

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