Attacking the Lord’s anointed!?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“I will not lay my hand on… the Lord’s anointed.” (1 Samuel 24:10)
Saul is dishonouring and disobeying God and doing wrong!
It would make sense for David to want to hurt or kill Saul.
Everyone around him sees this, and encourages him to do it.
But David sees Saul as God’s anointed, chosen by God.
David continues to show respect for those that oppose God.
Does this speak to how I treat those I think are wrong?
Are there christians I feel justified in speaking against?
Do I lay my hand (or my words) against the Lord’s anointed ones?
I’ve seen church tensions and splits that were nasty.
In the process, it seemed some were not respected or respectful.
Remember, Jesus loves both progressive or conservative christians.
He loves and graces us, so that we will love and grace each other.
This is how the world knows that we are Jesus followers!
Whether or not we agree with each other, we need to love each other!
Lord, forgive me for thinking, speaking and acting in disrespectful ways about those you loved and died for. Help me to see your gracious anointing on them too.


  1. “Day after day Saul searched for him, but God did not give David into his hands.” David was learning that God was his protector – not his own craftiness or strategy. David inquired of God and it meant taking risks but he followed and God protected him. David honored Saul and did not kill him when he could – he knew that Saul was anointed to be in authority and he respected that. David having respect for God’s will finds protection under God. Help Lord to see that more and more each day and along my way of life!

  2. Kids of the Kingdom. That’s who we are. And as His children we/I need to respect one another. We are family and though we may have differnces, the family members respect one another. David show Christian love to Saul. Others know we are Christians by our love. That is how I also need to treat my ‘brothers and sisters’ in the Lord. As far as it depends upon me, live at peace with all.

    Love, love, love, love,
    the gospel in a word is love,
    Love thy neighbor as thy brother,
    love, love, love.
    Peace, peace, peace, peace,
    the gospel in a word is peace,
    Peace that passes understanding,
    peace, peace, peace.
    Joy, joy, joy, joy,
    the gospel in a word is joy,
    Joy that fills to overflowing,
    joy, joy, joy.
    Christ, Christ, Christ, Christ,
    the gospel in a word is Christ,
    Love Him, serve Him, and adore Him,
    Christ, Christ, Christ.

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