The judgment of love!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Let them sing before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth.” (Psalm 98:9)
In my experience, talk about the coming Judge does not lead to praise.
Growing up we were warned the Judge was primarily angry, filled with wrath.
I’m all for humility and repentance before God and Jesus when they come.
But we are not ‘sinners in the hands of an angry God’.
We are ‘sinners in the hands of a loving God’, as Jesus showed us.
His love includes anger at injustice and cruelty, but it remains love.
God does not want anyone to perish, but to be restored to life.
Everything Jesus does is designed to show us the seriousness of sin!
His suffering and death show us how horrible sin is, what we are capable of.
But the cross reveals God’s love for sinners AND anger and judgment on sin.
The Judge will not embrace those that do not want to be embraced.
Those who persist in desiring evil over God will get their heart’s desire.
Those who refuse to repent will not experience God’s loving kingdom.
No one will be forced to sing, BUT humble, hopeful sinners will want to!
Lord, thank you that you are angry at sin and its devastating consequences. Thank you for loving me and taking the curse of sin for me and from me. Thank you for being a Judge that makes me want to sing!


  1. It is our Heavenly Father that is the judge – and that is reason to celebrate: “let them sing before the Lord,
    for he comes to judge the earth.” for there is no better judge or merciful judge – for God Father sent His son and we have been given the HS! We know God will judge fairly for he is totally righteous – there is no ulterior motive that genuine love for his people! I praise the Lord and celebrate that it is He who will judge!

  2. All creation sings at the coming of the Lord.
    Creation restored. His kingdom has come in full.
    And thosw bought by the blood of Christ will also sing for they have become whole before the Judge.
    All is made new. What a day that will be for His own by His grace freely given to all who desire to be ruled by Him – our Saviour. So even today on this Lord’s day and every day I am able to sing songs of joy for the joy of the Lord God is my strength.

    1 Come, you people, come adore him
    God in Holy Trinity,
    God the Father, Son and Spirit,
    ever blessèd unity.
    2 All your glory, God almighty,
    to the Son and Spirit given,
    ere upon the world’s creation
    dawned the newborn light of heaven:
    3 holy, holy, we adore you
    one in power, in nature one;
    God the Father, God the Spirit,
    God the co-eternal Son.
    4 By your Son the wide creation
    rose where chaos held its sway;
    by the Spirit, God Almighty
    swept eternal night away.
    5 Son, the Father’s love revealing,
    Son, through whom the Spirit came,
    blessed Godhead! endless glory
    be to your exalted name!

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