Churchy disapproval!?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The Pharisees said to Jesus, ‘Teacher, rebuke your disciples!’” (Luke 19:39)
Have you ever felt the rebuke or criticism from religious people?
Here we have the religious leaders rebuking Jesus’s disciples.
Jesus’s disciples are expressing their joy and hope in Jesus.
But it does not fit with the religious leaders’ theology.
I fear that too often the church is more like the religious leaders.
We put up theological barriers to people seeking Jesus.
We insist they believe things like we do, that they be ‘right’.
I’m not saying that being wrong is a good thing.
But in this story, it is the religious leaders who are wrong.
My job (and my joy) is to point people to Jesus, and let them meet him.
Even if they understand or follow Jesus incorrectly, Jesus welcomes them.
He accepts their first steps of faith, despite their weak theology.
With his help they will learn and grow into the truth and way of Jesus.
Jesus rebukes church leaders, then and now, for hindering Jesus seekers.
Lord, forgive me for the ways I put up barriers to seekers and strugglers who are drawn to you, but do not measure up to our churchy approval.


  1. When John the Baptist’ disciples came to Jesus because John was wondering if he was wrong about Jesus being the Messiah, Jesus quoted a passage from Isaiah that spoke about Jesus healing the sick etc. i other words see the proof. Here again, was more proof in the testimony of the people: “When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen”. When I have my moments of doubt I think of what Jesus, what the HS has done in my life so far – the evidence speaks for itself. Jesus is son of God, son of Man – the Messiah – He has come and is alive – and because of that so am i – even as I am aging and get tired – I am alive – always- because I am a child of God!

  2. I am reading Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott.
    She had an interesting route to being able to trust God. And a circuitous path to becoming a Jesus follower. I don’t think she would fit very well into my church circles.
    She is so transparent about her journey.
    I have already been thinking a lot about denominations and rules and hierarchy and “TRUTH instead of grace”. I am wondering how to be part of a group of Jesus followers without an ‘official’ church. Definitely don’t want to start another denomination. Does there always have to be rules about who is in and who is out?

  3. Thank You Lord for Your Word – the Bible – Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Come to Jesus as you are and from there you will grow in the Word – growing in faith and service. We all have different gifts and since we are all different like His disciples were, we all grow in our relationship in Him. Like the Master said, Let the children come unto me and do no hinder them. I need to be a stepping stone and not a stumbling block for others to become His servants true.

    Make me a servant, humble and meek.
    Lord, let me lift up those who are weak,
    And may the prayer of my heart always be:
    Make me a servant (x2)
    Make me a servant today!

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