Jesus… Life changer!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Today salvation has come to this house!” (Luke 19:9)
Zacchaeus thought he was seeking Jesus, but Jesus is seeking him.
Jesus steps in to his life uninvited: “I must stay at your house!”
He had no idea how Jesus would turn his life upside down.
I have heard stories and testimonies of people like Zacchaeus.
One was a fierce LGBTQ advocate studying the religious right.
She interviewed a pastor, which turned into an ongoing relationship.
Somehow, she had a dramatic conversion and now speaks for Jesus!
Little did she know how Jesus would turn her life upside down.
Jesus is the message we bring, all people need to meet Jesus.
Jesus is seeking us, and will find a way into our hearts.
Jesus is real, and he knows how to change peoples lives.
I have no complicated method for evangelism; I just talk about Jesus.
Only Jesus can enter their hearts to bring salvation.
Many part is to let Jesus into my life, so he can work through me.
Lord, you are the life changer. Change my life so that others will be curious, and as they look you will work yourself into their homes and hearts.

One Comment

  1. “he has gone to be a guest of a sinner” Jesus invited himself over to Zacchaeus’ home. Zacchaeus obviously consented – for Jesus becomes a guest of his. Many are critical of Jesus being a guest of the “Chief Tax collector” in the area – a hated man who was wealthy. Whether he lined his pockets with bribes or with some of the taxes he or his agents collected or not – the local people would see his affluence and assumed that he was pocketing a lot of what was so supposed to go to Caesar. Yet, Jesus eats with Zacchaeus and it changes him – he is ready to give it away and make retribution for any wrong. He is repentant and Jesus rejoices – declaring Zacchaeus to be saved! Help me Lord to invite or to be a guest of those whom we might consider sinners – rather help me to share the grace you show especially to those who are lost!

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