Worshipping God in worship?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise.” (Psalm 96:4)
The greatness and the goodness of God is what we worship.
We experience God’s greatness and goodness in our lives!
We express our wonder or joy or hope or love with words of praise!
Have we replaced this with the experience of worship?
Are we moved by the music, emotion or experience of singing together?
Is it God’s greatness we respond to, or the greatness of the worship?
Personal experience and response is the basis of authentic worship.
We experience God in the week, and overflow with praise when we meet.
If we didn’t sing at church, could we still worship?
Singing together is one way to express our response to God’s glory.
But so is speaking together, sharing how we’ve experienced God.
Worship is also the key to witnessing “among the nations” (96:3).
Does this explain why we struggle to witness to others to?
It is hard to worship and witness if we’re not experiencing God.
Lord, help me to experience your greatness and goodness. It will make it easier to express my worship and witness with others!


  1. “Let all creation rejoice before the Lord, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his faithfulness.” I take comfort in knowing that God is judge – for I know that he will be fair and He will be merciful – it is why Jesus came so that I might be redeemed from my own. In an abundance of gratitude – I come to worship – I have life today and I know that I am a child of God. There is so much to worship and praise God for!

  2. Good morning Lord.
    Each day is the Lord’s day. I start the day and end the day with Him and talk to Him throughout the day. I see His presence in my life and in the world around me eevn during these times. His power is present and powerful and majestic. This is His creation and He is here. And I serve a risen Saviour and others need to see that in my words and deeds. Others need to see Christ living in me.

    In The Stars His Handiwork I See
    On The Winds He Speaks Of Majesty
    Though He Ruleth Over Land And Sea
    What Is That To Me
    I Will Celebrate Nativity
    For It Has Its Place In History
    Sure He Came To Set His People Free
    What Is That To Me

    Till One Day I Met Him Face To Face
    And I Sought The Wonder Of His Grace
    Then I Knew That He Was More Than
    Just A God Who Didn’t Care
    That Lived Away Up There, And
    Now He Walks Beside Me Day By Day
    Ever Watching Over Me Lest I Stray
    Helping Me To Find That Narrow Way
    He’s Everything To Me

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