Open our eyes, Lord!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“When all the people saw it, they also praised God.” (Luke 18:43)
This blind man wasn’t the only one whose eyes were opened.
Those who silenced this blind man now see his healing.
They silenced him because they were blind to who Jesus was.
Even after all this time with Jesus, they still did not see.
In a sense, the blind man saw Jesus better than they did.
Am I blind to who Jesus is – with him, yet not seeing him?
I talk a lot about Jesus, but do I reflect who Jesus is?
My concern is that many christians do not really know Jesus.
Like the disciples, we hinder those who are seeking Jesus.
The world is desperate for the grace, mercy and peace of Jesus.
We are ‘those who lead the way’ (v.39), accompanying Jesus.
We see Jesus loving and serving seekers, not making it hard.
If we truly ‘saw’ Jesus, we would not get in their way.
“Lord, I want to see!” (Luke 18:41)” should be our prayer.
Lord, open my eyes to the ways I am hindering others from seeing you. I want to see you, and I want others to see you!


  1. “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.” The blind person told Jesus that he wanted to see – and Jesus healed him so that he could. Jesus commended him for his faith – his trust in Jesus. I too want to see more clearly each day – but I too need to take steps to come to Jesus – to ask Him for the insights, for the healing of my, at times, anxious heart – especially in the face of issues today. Lord let me continue to see your way as my way – to see things the way you do – work in my heart with your spirit so that I can see!

  2. Come to Jesus.
    Today’s reading reminds me of stopping the children coming to Jesus. Jesus is for one and all. He is standing at the door waiting for all to come to Him. The crowds were a stumbling block for others to come to Him rather than a stepping stone. I need to be a stepping stone. His light in me needs to draw others to Jesus. Come as you are and follow.

    1 Come to Jesus,
    Come to Jesus,
    Come to Jesus just now, just now.
    Come to Jesus,
    Come to Jesus just now!

    2 Only trust him, …
    3 He is able, …
    4 He will save you, …

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