Still don’t understand!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The disciples did not understand any of this.” (Luke 18:34)
Sometimes I wonder, do we really know what Jesus is talking about?
I grew up being told exactly what everything in the bible meant.
I was told that true faith was ‘absolute certainty’ this was true.
Over time I’ve started to question whether we really understand.
Not that we’re totally wrong, just that we’re not totally right.
As I’ve studied theology, I’ve grown less certain.
There are so many interpretations of Jesus and the bible.
We all read the same bible, yet understand it so differently.
This has led me to realize the importance of humility and grace.
Humility says I do not know it all, that I am wrong somewhere.
Grace says I am not saved by my rightness but by Jesus’s grace.
I don’t understand the atonement, only that somehow it works.
We need to hold our theology and understanding lightly…
We need to hold on to Jesus firmly, whether I understand him or not!
Lord, as your disciples, we still do not understand you. But you understand us, and do not give up on us. Keep me humble and hopeful in your grace!


  1. “The disciples did not understand any of this. Its meaning was hidden from them, and they did not know what he was talking about.” I don’t understand either many times. I’m grieved by the division among believers – the judgmental attitudes – it’s made difficult because you are among people who claim to be followers of Jesus. So much is politicized. But the history of the church is like that with so much division to the point of death. I don’t understand it – I thought having a common faith in Jesus should end this – so I’m thinking that the real truth is often hidden – like it was for the disciples. They had to struggle with not knowing all the truth and so do we – especially in applying the ;’Jesus way’ in our daily living. Lord help me to walk live among the weeds and to persevere in living for you!

  2. Being with Jesus the disciples did not know all what Jesus meant or as the passage read – they did not know what He was talking about. The same is still true today. We think we know Gid’s word and insist that our understanding is the way – causing division among His people. Open our eyes Lord. Open our ears Lord o that we may see You and all that was completed so that we/I could have life in You. Continue to lead me in the way Ineed to go to do Your will.

    1 Grace and truth shall mark the way
    Where the Lord His own will lead,
    If His word they still obey
    And His testimonies heed.
    2 For Thy name’s sake hear Thou me,
    For Thy mercy, Lord, I wait;
    Pardon my iniquity,
    For my sin is very great.
    3 He who walks in godly fear
    In the path of truth shall go;
    Peace shall be his portion here,
    And his sons all good shall know.
    4 They that fear and love the Lord
    Shall His holy friendship know;
    He will grace to them accord,
    And His faithful covenant show.

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