Blessing everyone!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them.” (Luke 18:16)
What exactly happened when Jesus put his hands on babies?
In Mark 10:16 we see Jesus blessing children in his arms.
Were these babies more blessed than other unblessed babies?
As I see it Jesus gave the same blessing he offered to all.
The blessing of the gospel, the blessing received in baptism.
He blessed them with every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3).
He extended to them God’s grace, mercy, peace, joy and love!
And like everyone else, that blessing still had to be received.
Like the seed in Matthew 13, this blessing was scattered everywhere.
But some soils received the seed blessing, others did not.
If we are open to it, we will experience his blessing too.
We do not need to be touched by Jesus (or baptized) to be blessed.
God uses any means to make this point: you are blessed!
Do I see Jesus’s hand over me, blessing me with God’s love?
Lord, all people need to know and feel this blessing. Use me as one of your means to spread the seed of your blessing to everyone young and old!


  1. “for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” O to trust like a little child! That is the kind of trust I should and may have of God. He knows best. Thank you Jesus for the gift of the HS to influence and shape me, guide me. May my heart and mind not refuse to listen and to repent if I do have times of going my own way. Help me trust fully especially when times are sad or tough! Help me to not only trust and experience your blessing but to share that with others!

  2. Parents brought their children to the rabbis on their first birthday. The children came in total dependence and trust. They came to Jesus in a helpless state. That is the way of all who come to Jesus – in our helplessness – not on our works but in our weakness. The child like qualiity is the only way to come to Jesus – to enter His kingdom.

    1 Come to Jesus,
    Come to Jesus,
    Come to Jesus just now, just now.
    Come to Jesus,
    Come to Jesus just now!
    2 Only trust him, …
    3 He is able, …
    4 He will save you, …

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