The prayer God loves to answer!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“They shouted louder and slashed themselves… until their blood flowed.” (1 Kings 18:28)
What does it take to make God hear us?
Do we have to dress a certain way, pray a certain way, speak a certain way?
Do we have to prove ourselves to God, bring a peace offering, or somehow impress God?
There are no techniques for getting God to hear us.
Elijah, as well as Obadiah, are devoted to God, and God to them.
This close relationship is the reason why God hears and cares for them.
Elijah was human just like us (James 5:17), yet God responded to him.
We do not need to be special people to experience ‘God with us’.
Jesus comes to show us that God wants to be with us, and work with us.
This story is not a technique for getting God to answer our prayers.
If we are only looking to serve ourselves, God will not bless us.
But if our desire is to restore peoples’ hearts to God again, God will do so.
No fancy prayers, no religious acts of devotion, just a heart to help people.
“Answer me, Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you are God.” (1 Kings 18:37)
Lord, I do want to help people but my heart is not always in it. When I get tired by the struggle, send your fire into my heart so that I can desire and pray like Elijah for people to know you!

One Comment

  1. Obadiah is a hero – taking big risks to protect 100 prophets of the Lord in two caves – providing food and scarce water for them. He doesn’t get the ‘publicity’ in this story – we think of Elijah and his big challenge to the people – who is Lord – and the fire response. It is a big story – but Obadiah is a hero! What he does in secret is also recognized here! But the scripture recognizes his role – even as he has a close connection to an evil king whom he serves! What a model of dedication and service – yet having his priorities right!

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