What is the Lord saying to me?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“I have been told by the word of the Lord…” (1 Kings 13:17).
This poor prophet was tricked by another prophet to disobey the Lord!
Rehoboam followed bad advice, but this prophet listened to a prophet!?
Rehoboam and this prophet learned the hard way not to listen to everyone.
As a Jesus follower, I am reminded that I need to listen to Jesus.
In the end, we are responsible for our choices; we cannot blame others.
I must follow where I sense the Spirit of Jesus leading me.
Jesus promised his Spirit to lead and teach us (1 John 2:27, John 16:13-14).
The closer I am to Jesus, the better I am be able to discern his will.
Spend time with him, open to his guidance and encouragement.
We will make mistakes, but no matter what we must choose to obey him.
As Paul says, only the Lord can judge this (1 Corinthians 4:3-5).
What is the Lord saying to me about this issue, struggle or decision?
I may seek advice and consider the options, but in the end I must decide!
Trust in his guidance, and rest in his grace for the results.
Lord, help me to hear your voice, and to follow your lead. Help me to know when other voices are misleading me from your way.


  1. Discernment. The prophet had been given strict orders not to return home athe way he came and not to delay and eat there. But another prophet came from Bethel and told him that it was okay – that ‘God changed His mind??” Anyway the prophet was deceived and stayed and defied the lord’s command to him: “This is what the Lord says: ‘You have defied the word of the Lord”. I’m thinking, how could the prophet have discerned that the other prophet was deceiving him – I’m thinking he could have asked and prayed to the Lord and asked himself – is this really what you want me to do – go to Bethel with this other prophet? How do I discern what is the Lord’s will? I too must ask and pray. Ask, ask that is the way- when we forget to ask or consult with the Lord we are apt to go our own way!

  2. Be in tune in the Lord.
    Immerse oneself in the Word for that Word gives life and life everlasting. Spend time with the Lord. He still continues to lead and guide His people today for He is with us. Emmanuel. I need open ears and open eyes and an open heart to hear His voice to lead me and guide me along the way – in my pilgrim’s progress walking daily in His SonShine.

    When we walk with the Lord
    in the light of his word,
    what a glory he sheds on our way!
    While we do his good will,
    he abides with us still,
    and with all who will trust and obey.
    Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
    to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

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