Praising God is good for me!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“It is good to praise the Lord…” (Psalm 92:12)
This psalm says it is good for us to us to praise the Lord.
Why would it be healthy and helpful to praise the Lord.
If we dwell on what is good and positive, we will benefit.
But negative, discouraging, dark thinking will drag us down.
It is good to recall the good that God is doing all around us.
We take for granted so many everyday blessings and miracles.
Worse, we tend to focus on the bad – what we lack, what is wrong.
I can’t deny I’ve seen God’s greatness and goodness so many times.
But do I express it, do I tell people about it, do I focus on it?
It would be good to say it more; it would bless me and others!
“Proclaim your love in the morning, your faithfulness at night.”(Psalm 92:2)
Not just in church on Sundays, but every day, morning and evening.
Take some time right now to offer some simple statements of praise.
Praise the Lord for (_______________), it will be good for you!
Lord, you are constantly showing me how you love and support and help me. Help me to become more expressive of my appreciation!


  1. I need to be planted – to have roots so that I am nourished and enabled to serve: “planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God.” To walk with the Lord everyday is to be enabled to serve. There are times I forget that and try on my own. It is not so effective. Rather it is better when I walk with your blessing!

  2. Good morning Lord.
    Help me to see You in all the activities of the day and in this Your creation – in the winds and the rain, in the storms and the Sonshine. Open my eyes that I may see You in all things.
    And when I close my eyes at night, help me recount where You have been throughout my day in my walk with You. Help me to proclaim Your goodness to me to others and share Your Good News. You and Lor. You are my Rock. Help me bear the fruit of the Spirit so others my see that my God is an awesome God.

    Our God is an awesome god
    He reigns from heaven above
    With wisdom, power and love
    Our God is an awesome god

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