What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” (Luke 15:2)
The religious leaders raise this as a criticism of Jesus.
Based on his response, I can hear Jesus saying ‘thank you!’
Jesus tells the shepherd parable to explain his passion for people.
He’s especially concerned about the lost, the least, the left out.
Have I ever been accused of being too gracious, too close to “sinners”?
What “sinners” do our religious communities struggle to welcome?
Are we being seen as too welcoming, too accepting, too open?
Is that an insult, or is it an indication we’re being like Jesus?
Our signs may say ‘all are welcome’, but is this really true?
Are we more a safe place for the 99, than for the lost ones?
Are we more concerned about protecting the saved, or seeking the lost?
“(Our church) welcomes sinners and eats with them.” (Luke 15:2)
May our church face this same accusation as Jesus…
Or one day Jesus will accuse us of not welcoming sinners!
Lord, if we’re never accused of welcoming and eating with sinners, are we really sitting at the table with you?
How can we help people to find their way to Jesus? That we can help the lost to be found? “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” It is hard to ‘convince’ people – actually it’s impossible. All you can do is find them, respect them and be open to them and faithfully share what gives you life: Jesus – hope in a desperate world – hope beyond the grave. The key is to look for them and be open to them – but being totally genuine – so that the HOLY SPIRIT can work. I can’t convince -but the HS can influence. I need to plant the seed of the good news in Jesus!
The church needs open doors. All are welcome.
As Jesuswelcomes sinners so must I. They too need to hear the Word of the Lord and live for Jesus. Our pew can not be comfortable for Hos word challenges you and me be be salt and light. How can we do that if we shut others out.? We all need to come to Jesus as we are and He has the power to change us. I need to be like Christ to others accepting them in His name.
1 Come to Jesus,
Come to Jesus,
Come to Jesus just now, just now.
Come to Jesus,
Come to Jesus just now!
2 Only trust him, …
3 He is able, …
4 He will save you, …