God lives in me?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“But will God really dwell on earth?” (1 Kings 8:27)
God – the awesome, uncontainable Creator – wants to live with me!
The temple was meant to symbolize God’s greatness AND goodness.
It showed how God wanted to live with them, at home among us.
But don’t get stuck on the symbol, look at its meaning!!!!
God wants a personal relationship, to love us and be loved by us.
It’s not about buildings or sacrifices, God cares about us!
Sadly, often we forget and focus more on the religious symbols.
God becomes human in Jesus to show us what God really wants.
Yes, God really will dwell on earth, with us.
As Jesus followers our greatest joy is to live in fellowship with God.
“You are God’s temple, God’s Spirit dwells in your midst!” (1 Corinthians 3:16)
This means everywhere, always and everyone – this is what God wants.
Has the glory of God in Jesus and the Spirit filled you, the real temple?
Yes, God really will dwell with us, but are we open to this?
Lord, you are over me, with me and in me. I am totally surrounded and supported… always. What a wonder, what a blessing!


  1. “then hear from heaven, your dwelling place. Forgive and act; deal with everyone according to all they do, since you know their hearts (for you alone know every human heart),” Solomon knew that the temple He built is not where God dwelt – it was a meeting place – where people could meet God. He appealed to God that whoever came to the temple to pray to God – that God would answer – even foreigners – so that all people would know that the Lord is God and that this is the temple that Solomon and his people had built and dedicated to God. Anyone visiting would not see a manifestation of a deity there because that is not who Israeli’s God is and is not where God is – but in heaven. Through Jesus, we don’t need a specific temple or church – rather through Jesus we may have God come to us through his Holy Spirit – we now become living temples and we too are called to bless other people.

  2. God with us. Emmanuel.
    God dwelling among His people. And as Solomon prayed or Joshua, as for me and my household we will serve the Lord. Our hearts, my heart must be committed to the Lord. All for Jesus. And I see His majesty and power in this His creation each day. Our world my world belongs to God. My God is everywhere as He has promised.

    In The Stars His Handiwork I See
    On The Winds He Speaks Of Majesty
    Though He Ruleth Over Land And Sea
    What Is That To Me
    I Will Celebrate Nativity
    For It Has Its Place In History
    Sure He Came To Set His People Free
    What Is That To Me

    Till One Day I Met Him Face To Face
    And I Sought The Wonder Of His Grace
    Then I Knew That He Was More Than
    Just A God Who Didn’t Care
    That Lived Away Up There, And
    Now He Walks Beside Me Day By Day
    Ever Watching Over Me Lest I Stray
    Helping Me To Find That Narrow Way
    He’s Everything To Me

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