churching where we are

Too often we think of church as a place where we go.
The connection between ‘church’ and a building is rooted in the very word itself, which comes from the Old English word “circe”, which is derived from the Greek word “kyriakon” meaning “the Lord’s (house)” from the Greek root word “kyrious” mean “Lord”.
Constrast that with the Greek word used in the bible: “ekklesia”. This word literally means “the called out ones”, referring to meeting or religious assembly.
In the “circe” sense, we do not have a “church”, i.e. a house for the Lord; but in the “ecclesia” sense we have many “churches”, i.e. religious gatherings.

This weekend we are “churching” (gathering) in a variety of places for community service.
It is our “Be The Church” Sunday where we cancel our “worship service” so that we can worship through service!
So does that mean that church is cancelled? NO! NO! NO! NO!
The church (assembly) of believers that gather under the name “Crossroads” will be churching through the region.
Then we will gather together for a BBQ, that is we will celebrate the fellowship of the Spirit around a common meal.
Then why did I put this headline on our church website – NO CHURCH SERVICE this Sunday (April 25)?
Shouldn’t it say, “CHURCH SERVICE will be all over Ajax-Pickering this Sunday (April 25)!
I admit it, my mind still thinks of church as what happens Sunday mornings in the worship service.

On another note, for a while I was considering the possibility of moving our Ministry Center to downtown Ajax, so that we could have a presence in the neighbourhood where we gathered.
But through the whole process I had this uneasy feeling that doing this would shift our focus back to the building.
It would require a huge investment of finances and energy that would distract us from being the church.
At the same time I sensed the Lord impressing on my heart that we did not need to have a building because we already had a building where we could serve – the school in which we meet.
I sensed this strong message – don’t build a church, be the church where you are.

And so that is where we are shifting our focus.
We are hearing the Lord’s calling to be a blessing in the school and neighbourhood where we gather.
Our new ministry focus is to be a blessing to the students, staff and families of Bolton C. Falby Public School!
Its amazing how the Lord is providing opportunities now for us to be a blessing at the school.
The confirmation that we are sensing from the Crossroads partners, from the school, from people that we share the vision with; and doors are opening for us to do more and more.

It is really exciting, and liberating!
We are not building a church, we are not building the church, we are being the church, right where we are.
As I write this, I recall that Jesus nowhere called us to build a church, or the church; the only reference to church and building is when He says “upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.” [Matthew 16:18].
In other words, when we confess in deed and word the Lordship of Jesus Christ (this is the ‘rock’ that Jesus was talking about), He will build His church, and hell cannot stop it!
The powers of hell cannot stop us from being the church where we are!

I look forward to seeing how the Lord Jesus will build His church where we are, as we be the church where we are!

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