Finding what we seek!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure.” (Psalm 73:13)
How do we feel when bad people seem to prosper and be happy?
In this psalm Asaph shares his honest struggle with following God.
His life is a struggle; is following God a waste of time and effort?
As he thinks about this, he realizes what ‘the wicked’ do not have.
They do not know the comfort of God’s presence and promise.
They go through life ultimately alone, and will die alone.
“But as for me, it is good to be near God.” (Psalm 73:28)
When life is hard, I am strengthened in the comfort of his presence.
I don’t think selfish, cruel people are really prosperous and happy.
They may have more stuff, and win fights, but are they really happy?
Our attitudes and actions are like boomerangs; they eventually come back.
It is not vain to pursue goodness and love; it eventually returns to us.
Those who want God and goodness will eventually get their heart’s desire.
Jesus invites us to join him in God’s love; there’s no better place to be!
Lord, I would rather sow goodness and love than selfishness and cruelty. Remind me that it will be worth it in the end!


  1. What a confession the Psalmist makes: “Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.
    24 You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory.” Jesus gift to us – the HS! You are so important in my life and living! Lord, let me not be distracted by the cares of this life – may my anxiety be tempered by your reassurances! Help me to live to be a blessing – in your name!

  2. God is my Refuge and Strength.
    Each day anew I come into His presence and ask Him yo guide me throughout the day as I serve Him. I need to keep my eyes on Jesus and not the world’s ways. The Lord God is my strength and song. The joy of the Lord is my strength. He is my All in all and I just need to live for Jesus. It is good to always be in His presence.

    1 Come into God’s presence singing

    2 Come into God’s presence singing
    “Jesus is Lord,
    Jesus is Lord,
    Jesus is Lord.”

    3 Praise the Lord together singing
    “Worthy the Lamb,
    worthy the Lamb,
    worthy the Lamb.”

    4 Praise the Lord together singing
    “Glory to God,
    glory to God,
    glory to God.”

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