His gracious touch!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man.” (Luke 5:13)
Jesus touches an ‘unclean’ man, defiled by a skin disease (Leviticus 13).
This inspires me as much as the healing that follows.
While others avoided the man, Jesus embraces the man.
In that embrace, Jesus reveals the heart of God.
The Law put such people beyond the camp (Leviticus 13:45-46).
“I am willing, be clean!” (Luke 5:13); this is God’s heart.
God does what the Law cannot do, it cannot heal or help us.
As followers of Jesus, we have moved into the embrace of God.
Despite our uncleanness and falling short, God’s grace makes us right.
God does not push us away, he brings us close before we change.
Our desperation and openness to healing and help is all God seeks.
Like the pig-smelling prodigal, the Father runs out to meet us (Luke 15:20).
May we learn from this, and be like this to others who still ‘smell’.
To welcome and embrace sinners before they are clean – so they can be healed!
Lord, we cannot clean ourselves by following the Law, we need your touch. Use me to extent your gracious touch as well.


  1. Jesus knew what would likely happen if he healed the man with leprosy – yet he did it anyway and was willing to heal him: “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” It says he was covered in leprosy – so it must of been a very visible transformation. No wonder the people noticed! Now Jesus had to retreat but those who wanted to see him – went to him wherever He was. We need to want Jesus and Jesus does respond when we seek him with all our heart. This man did and Jesus healed him. I found Jesus too and He responded – so he will to anyone who comes to him! Lord help me to willingly respond to the needs of others on your behalf.

  2. A leper in Biblical times was unclean and was separated from society. Yet this man came to Jesus and Jesus touched Him. Unthinkable during that time period. The leper was healed. This miracle spread quickly throughout the land and Jesus touched many that day. We all need to be touched by Jesus in order to live His way in His Sonshine so others may be touched by our words and deeds. And the good news continues as Christ uses you and me as His messengers of peace.

    1. Shackled by a heavy burden,
    ‘neath a load of guilt and shame;
    Then the hand of Jesus touched me,
    And now I am no longer the same.
    He touched me, O, He touched me,
    And O, the joy that floods my soul.
    Something happened, and now I know,
    He touched me and made me whole.

    2. Since I met this blessed Savior,
    Since He cleansed and made me whole;
    I will never cease to praise Him,
    I’ll shout it while eternity rolls.

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