God meets us where we are!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon…” (1 Kings 3:5)
God did NOT want people to go to “high places” like Gibeon.
High places were unofficial places where unholy worship occurred.
These were one of the ways Solomon did not obey God (1 Kings 3:3).
Yet God meets him there, “Ask for whatever you want…” (1 Kings 3:5)
These stories reveal God’s grace, not human goodness.
The hero in these stories is God, not David or Solomon or anyone else.
God knows the weakness and failure in our lives.
Yet God is with us in the places we should not be.
God comes to us despite our weakness and flaws, to help us.
In a sense I am like a “high place”, not where I should be.
As a Jesus follower, I am NOT an example of how to live.
Like Solomon I live in ways that do not reflect well on God.
The Lord meets with us where we are, to does not leave us there.
By grace he works in and through us to make us ‘very good’ again.
Lord, I am not where I’m supposed to be, yet by grace you are helping me where I am to reach where I am supposed to be. Thank you!


  1. “So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. ” Lord I know – that is what I need – for my heart is tempted and my perspective is often biased by my desires and anxiety. Like Solomon, O Lord give me a discerning heart. Thank you for your HS who is my guide and helps me to discern – Jesus you knew what your followers needed when you gave us the gift of the HS! Thank you!

  2. Discernment.
    As I walk with the Lord each day anew I need discernment – so not my way but the Lord’s way/will be done. I need to place my hand into His hand as He continues to lead and guide me in all things. Not my will but His will be done and that is a possibility when I walk daiy in His SonShine.

    When we walk with the Lord
    in the light of his word,
    what a glory he sheds on our way!
    While we do his good will,
    he abides with us still,
    and with all who will trust and obey.
    Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
    to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

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