What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“Darkness is my closest friend.” (Psalm 88:18)
According to the title, this psalm was written by Heman the Ezrahite.
This reminds me of the kids show, ‘Heman, Master of the Universe’.
But this Heman is not so strong: he is hopeless, discouraged, defeated.
The verse above is the last line, where his prayer ends.
All the other psalms end in hope, but not this one.
God inspires this depressed person to express his hopelessness.
This shows me that God is not against the depressed, but with them.
“Darkness will not be dark to you, darkness is as light to you.” (Psalm 139:12)
The Lord is with Heman in his darkness; we can count on this too.
Do you feel like there is no way out?
Do you feel like darkness is your closest friend?
Jesus came into our darkness to find us and to lead us out.
You are not alone, Jesus the Master of the Universe is with you.
He is your closest friend, whether you feel it or not.
Lord, thank you for allowing us to be honest and real. Show yourself in a special way to those who feel this way… Show them you are their closest friend!
The Psalmist is completely in a hopeless state. Totally depressed. It’s despairing to read this Psalm – where is the hope. Yet the Psalmist continues to pray – for their is no other hope. Even friends are no longer there. When life is good and we have it good – we forget those who suffer – who see no light, only darkness. Help me Lord to be an agent of hope – to bring that hope in your name – for you are hope! Jesus said, blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. It seems that this desperate Psalmist, Heman, had no hope – would he be comforted – would God finally answer? Sometimes there is no rushing things and sometimes people despair and take their own lives. Yet Lord help me to be a friend – who brings hope through Jesus. Help me attune to those who suffer so that I might be a friend.
Today is a new day. A new day in His presence. Good morning Lord.
As the psalmist starts out with these words – Lord You are the God Who saves me – are the words showing that our hope, or rest lies in the Lord. In our joys and in or in our sorrows, I need to share them all with the Lord. He is always with me whether or not I in in tune with Him at all times. I need to talk with my God daily – at the start of each day and at the finish of each day and the times in between. I am always His and He is mine. And since I am always in His presence He knows my highs and lows and I need to share all ofmy life with Him.
1 In doubt and temptation I rest, Lord, in thee;
my hand is in thy hand, thou carest for me;
my soul with thy counsel through life thou wilt guide,
and afterward make me in glory abide.
My God, I will extol thee
and ever bless thy name;
each day will I give thanks to thee
and all thy praise proclaim.
2 In glory thou only my portion shalt be,
on earth for none other I long but for thee;
my flesh and heart falter, but God is my stay,
the strength of my spirit, my portion for aye. [Refrain]
3 All they that forsake thee must perish and die,
but near to my Savior most blessed am I;
I make thee my refuge, my Lord and my God;
thy grace and thy glory I publish abroad. [Refrain]