Love casts out fear!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“I will show you whom you should fear… Don’t be afraid…” (Luke 12:5,7)
Jesus warns his disciples about the the cruel authority of the Pharisees (12:1).
They used God’s judgment to control and oppress the people into submission.
If they cursed you to “gehenna”, people would shun you out of fear.
“Gehenna” was in the valley of Hinnon, a symbol of God’s judgment.
This was where bodies of less-valued humans were thrown – a cursed place.
Jesus makes it clear that God, not the Pharisees, is the only Judge.
He will reveal the truth, and expose the real guilty ones (12:3-4).
We should really fear God, but then Jesus urges us to not fear God.
God values humans more than sparrows, even numbering their hair.
“Be on your guard against” the religious leaders, not against God.
“Don’t be afraid” (Luke 12:7) of God; God values you very much!
Jesus did not use “hell” to frighten his disciples like the religious leaders.
Do I use “hell” to frighten people into repentance and faith?
Or do I say how much God values them and wants to spare them from “gehenna”?
Lord, I am a religious leader. Help me to not be a leader to be feared, but one that values and helps people like God does, like you do!


  1. “There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.” This can cause fear. What am I hiding – what hypocrisy am I guilty of? Lord, help me to be genuine and honest with you and help me to be honest and genuine to others as well – no show. Knowing that this would cause fear Jesus reminds us of our value in the sight of God: He wants us to come clean – we are precious to Him. I take comfort in that – Jesus came so that I might be set free! In that I live! Help me to do so more nearly the way you are leading me by your Spirit!

  2. Faith over fear.
    Let not your hearts be troubled, nor fearful. Jesus is the reason we do not have to fear.
    Our bodies may die but we will live forever. We do not need to fear persecution because of our faith. We are living in His presence today. He is here with us. Emmanuel. And we will live in His presence forevermore. No one can take that from us. God is in charge. This is His world. He knows me, even the number of hairs on my head. This shows His amazing love. Be strong serving Him in His Kingdom.

    Faith of the martyrs, we will love
    both friend and foe in all our strife,
    and preach thee, too, as love knows how,
    by saving word and faithful life!

    Faith of the martyrs, holy faith
    we will be true to Thee till death.

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