The key to knowledge


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“You (experts in the law) have taken away the key to knowledge.” (Luke 11:52)
Jesus’s words make me uncomfortable as a seminary-trained ‘master of divinity’.
(How can anyone claim to be a master of the divine?).
Have we put the bible out of reach for everyday disciples.
Do we need experts in hermeneutics and original languages to read the bible?
Maybe the key to knowledge is not expert minds but open hearts.
“This is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3)
To humbly and sincerely know God and Jesus personally is the key to knowledge.
I believe any person can hear God’s voice through scripture (2 Timothy 3:15-16).
I believe the Spirit in us does teach us about all things (1 John 2:26-27).
Yet the intent of this teaching is not to tell others what to think or do.
We use the bible as a tool to manage and control others – like the Pharisees?.
The Spirit of Jesus speaks to each person personally.
As I read the bible, how is Jesus comforting, convicting or compelling me!
My job isn’t to speak for Jesus, but to help people know him for themselves.
Lord, help me to focus on being in a personal relationship with you, and to help others do the same so that they too can know and hear you!


  1. “Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. ” What is the key that they have taken away? What’s missing? They are masters of law – setting up the law and judging people on it – but they are heartless in its application – forgetting the key which is love – mercy – forgiveness. Lord help me to be loving and merciful to have a ‘heart for you’ and what you desire – beyond rote obedience but a heart that yearns for you and to serve you!

  2. Head knowledge must also be connected to the heart. Heart knowledge. All the matters of the heart will be exposed. Applying the rules and regulations – the letter of the law does not save. The religious leaders of the times knew the rules. They did not have the heart knowledge that only the Lord is able to give. Knowing – loving – doing. These three belong togther. Words and actions must be infused with the love that only the Lord God can give. If love is not present we go our own way. I need to walk in His SonShine every day and others need to se e that I am living out of His Word always.

    Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet
    And a light unto my path
    Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet
    And a light unto my path

    When I feel afraid, think I’ve lost my way
    Still You’re there right beside me
    Nothing will I fear as long as you are near
    Please be near me to the end


    I will not forget your love for me
    And yet my heart forever is wandering
    Jesus be my guide, hold me to Your side
    And I will love You to the end


    Nothing will I fear as long as you are near
    Please be near me to the end


    And a light unto my path
    You’re the light unto my path

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