What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“And a sword will pierce your own soul too.” (Luke 2:35)
Jesus birth was not all sweetness and joy for Joseph and Mary.
The goodness of Jesus would be difficult to live with.
His goodness stands out in contrast to our own sin.
Hearts will be challenged; open hearts will humbled.
But closed hearts will become angry, and violent.
No doubt Jesus’ goodness provoked Mary’s heart too.
As Jesus followers, our hearts have been pierced as well.
Being with Jesus has a way of exposing our own weak love.
We love what we see in him but not what we see in us.
As hard as this piercing conviction is, we should not resist it.
For there is healing and hope in his piercing goodness.
Only he can cut away the sin that ruins us, and set us free!
This is the “redemption of Jerusalem” (v.38) – rescue from sin.
If I want to be free, I need to open myself to his piercing goodness.
Lord, your goodness and love is extremely comforting, but it is also convicting and compelling. Cut away the selfish love and replace it with your goodness.
“and to be a sign that will be spoken against,” This still happens today – many will swear by the name of Jesus! Do they know what they are doing by using Jesus name as cuss words?? Simeon’s prediction is very much alive today. Jesus Christ is at the center of all -intra and inter religiously as well. Who is Jesus Christ – that is critical. How do we help people see that he is the Saviour? Help me to be more like you Jesus!
I wonder what Mary and Joseph thought of the words spoken by Simeon? And then there was Anna and her prophecy. Both Simeon and Anna spoke of the salvation that is to come through Jesus. Through them we see the forgiveness of sins and deliverance from death – the meaning of Christmas. Emmanuel. God with us so that we can live for Him – in His service as were Joseph and Mary.
When he comes, our glorious King,
all his ransomed home to bring,
then anew this song we’ll sing:
Hallelujah, what a Savior!