What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“You will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him.” (Luke 1:76)
Here we see the difference between a prophet and a Messiah.
A prophet points the way, the Messiah is the way!
John the Baptist was a prophet, showing people how to be forgiven.
Jesus is the Messiah, accomplishing our forgiveness and freedom.
John knew this: “He must become greater; I must become less.” (John 3:28-30)
We are like prophets, pointing people to Jesus.
A Jesus-follower longs to see Jesus praised, loved, promoted.
Comfort, popularity, reputation or success is not our main concern – Jesus is!
Every day I “go before the the Lord prepare the way for him.” (1:76)
Through how I behave, through how I speak, I represent Jesus!
How do people see Jesus if I’m ungracious, judgmental, overbearing, opinionated?
Jesus offers salvation, forgiveness and mercy to those who are living in darkness.
Am I reflecting that light, or am I getting in the way of the light of Jesus?
Like the moon, we shine best when we face Jesus; when we eclipse Jesus, we go dark!
Lord, you are meant to shine, not me. I am meant to reflect, not get in the way. May your face shine on me, and may my face reflect you!
“to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins,” [1:77] John grew up in a high priest’s home and he had a special calling and He lived close to God. I can see why he went to live in the wilderness (to be alone with God) until he started preaching and baptizing the message of forgiveness of sins – which is what all priests/prophets were to be about. John called the people to ‘wash’ themselves – to be baptized. Calling people to repent from their wrong/evil ways. He prepared the people – awakened in them a desire to live right – to be ready to hear the Messiah – and crowds went out to see him and then when Jesus came on the scene He pointed them to Jesus. He declared Jesus as the one – not himself!
When we receive Christ we are no longer in darkness. We know Whose we are and where we are going. We walk in His Light and that Light shines in us and through us. Others will see that by our words and deeds. I need to show that I am all for Jesus, my living Light in Whom I have life. He must be the purpose of my daily living as I walk in that Light this day doing His will. My will needs to be in sync with His.
When we walk with the Lord
in the light of his word,
what a glory he sheds on our way!
While we do his good will,
he abides with us still,
and with all who will trust and obey.