(No) shame on you!!!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“He has shown his favor and taken away my disgrace among the people.” (Luke 1:25)
Both Zechariah and Elizabeth were good people in God’s eyes (1:6).
And yet everyone shamed (blamed or reviled) Elizabeth.
I am impressed by how humble and strong she is after years of shame.
She sees God as finally showing favour to her – unlike the people.
The problem here is not that God was punishing her.
For whatever reason, known only to God, they did not have children… yet.
But in everyone else’s eyes, that was reason enough to shame her.
People can be so cruel; this has not changed.
How many people throughout history have lived in disgrace and shame.
Through circumstances beyond their control, through horrible life situations.
And the ‘holier-than-thou- religious people look down on them… sinnners.
I am so thankful that God does not operate like humans do.
Through Jesus we see God choosing the outcasts and the ‘sinners’ (Luke 15:1-2).
I hear the Spirit of Jesus asking me, ‘who do you shame or look down on?’
Lord, you are gracious but we are not. May your grace to me help me to be gracious to others who do not deserve it, just like me.


  1. “In these days he has shown his favor and taken away my disgrace among the people.” I am sure that Elizabeth as a wife of the Priest must have felt somewhat rejected by God and the people because she was childless. Often sin was attributed to a woman who did not bear children – that God did not bless their womb. Now in her old age she gets to bear a prophetic child – to be the 2nd Elijah – announcing the way of the Lord. Interesting, Elizabeth like Abraham’s Sarah bears a child in her old age – a seemingly impossibility – but God’s blessing on her and Zechariah – is a vindication – she is blessed. Wondering, how many people I profile with some disgrace? Do I treat the addicted, the homeless with a negative attitude? Oh Lord help me not to be to give respect and open handed love and concern – to act accordingly!

  2. The Lord chooses His own to serve Him – people of low estate, people who seem insignificant, outcasts, yet all are precious in His sight for His purposes to fulfill. I need to see others through His eyes. I also need to see myself through His eyes. As He loved so I must love, As He served so I must serve. Help me daily Lord to be an instrument of Your peace.

    Let us ever love each other
    With a heart that’s warm and true,
    Ever doing to our brother
    As to us we’d have him do.
    Kind and loving to each other,
    Gentle words to all we meet;
    Thus we follow Christ our Savior,
    Proving all His service sweet.
    When the heart is sad and lonely,
    And the eyes with tears o’erflow,
    Gentle words and deeds of kindness
    Fall like sunbeams on the snow.
    Let us help our fallen brother,
    Lift him gently by the hand;
    Speaking words of cheer and comfort,
    Point him to a better land.
    In this world of toil and sorrow
    Many hearts are full of care,
    Let us live to serve our Master,
    And each other’s burdens bear.

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