So that you may know!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“I too decided to write an orderly account for you.” (Luke 1:3)
I love thinking about Luke, and how he came become a messenger of Jesus.
Luke was a doctor (Colossians 4:14) who worked with Paul (Philemon 1:24).
When Paul was left alone (abandoned), Luke stayed with him (2 Timothy 4:11).
He wrote this Gospel and the book of Acts, more than any other NT author.
As a trained physician, he especially notices medical details in what happens.
And here he puts his research skills to use to write an ‘orderly account’.
We don’t know how Luke came to Jesus, but he surrenders his skills to the Lord.
Luke wants us to “know the certainty of the things you have been taught.” (Luke 1:4)
Each author tells the story through their eyes, as inspired by the Spirit of Jesus.
The fact that Luke was not one of the original 12 encourages me (the same with Paul).
The Lord wants to spread the message through a variety of people.
This includes me… I can share the Jesus story with other Theophilus’s.
How have I experienced Jesus, what has the Lord done for me – this is my account.
As I write the story of Jesus with my life, others can join the team too!
Lord, as I share your story through my life, may others know you with certainty in their own lives too, so that your message may spread
“to the ends of the earth!” (Acts 1:8)


  1. Tell the story.
    Many have written the story of Jesus, those who were with Him and those who heard their story. That was the disciples task then and we, you and I, need to continue to tell the story of Jesus, how He lives in me and how I see Him in my living for Him. My love for Him needs to be shared by my words and deeds.

    I love to tell the story
    of unseen things above,
    of Jesus and his glory,
    of Jesus and his love.
    I love to tell the story
    because I know it’s true;
    it satisfies my longings
    as nothing else can do.

    I love to tell the story;
    ’twill be my theme in glory
    to tell the old, old story
    of Jesus and his love.

  2. Reading Luke’s context to his writing: “I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning” gives me confidence in what he shares. Luke is not about sensationalism – his Doctor’s eye – sense of investigation – gives credence to me for what he writes. I can trust his writing – even more so when I realize that the HS is also working through Luke to bring out the truth about Jesus and his mission and life! I treasure his writings, both in the book of Luke and in Acts. God puts the right people in the right place – I thank Him for the Gospel writers – for the apostles whom Jesus trained – and I look to myself as a disciple as well – eager more and more to learn from Jesus!

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