The Jesus Way of saving us!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Come down from the cross and save yourself!” (Mark 15:30)
Those watching Jesus mock him because he is not self-serving like them.
If they had God power, they would use it to save themselves.
If they were God’s messiah, they wouldn’t let people do this to them.
They mock Jesus because he does not behave like ‘normal’ human beings.
Following Adam and Eve in Genesis 3, we do what serves ourselves.
If we can be wiser, or richer, or stronger… we do it!
But this is not how God created humans to be; this is not ‘normal’.
God chooses to be reduced into a human servant that suffers and dies.
This may not be our way, but it is the Jesus way, the God way!
Jesus willingly endures scorn, pain and death to rescue us from it.
Those mocking see his weakness as proof that he is not the Messiah.
I see it as proof he is; he is demonstrating God’s grace and mercy!
Jesus selflessly saves us from selfish living, to make us human like him!
Having saved us, he invites us onto the cross with him to serve others too.
Lord, serving myself seems so ‘normal’, yet it is not the God-like way. Thank you for carrying the cross for me; help me to carry the cross with you for others.


  1. So the chief priests and teachers of the law admit: “. “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself!” They admit he saved others! How did they think that Jesus could have done that? Even in the face of what the prophets said the Messiah would do to save others? I find it amazing – they confess that Jesus saved others. They did not know that by not saving himself – he saved others – us – all who believe. So what they said is true – he saved others – he saved you and me!

  2. Jesus was treated like the thieves but He was different. He was innocent. Those who hailed Him King when He entered Jerusalem now mocked Him as did the religious leaders. Finally their threat to their prestige had now been ended. How wrong they were. He did save Himself and others like you and me. He did come off the cross. He came to serve and so must I. I need to be like Jesus to the world around me. Others need to see Christ Jesus living in me.

    1 I want to be like Jesus,
    So lowly and so meek;
    For no one marked an angry word
    That ever heard him speak.

    I want to be like Jesus,
    God’s well beloved Son;
    I want to be like Jesus,
    The pure and holy One.

    2 I want to be like Jesus,
    So frequently in prayer;
    Alone upon the mountain top,
    He met his Father there. [Refrain]

    3 I want to be like Jesus,
    Engaged in doing good,
    So that of me it may be said,
    He hath done what he could. [Refrain]

    4 Alas! I’m not like Jesus,
    As any one may see;
    Thy gentle Spirit, Savior, send,
    And make me like to thee. [Refrain]

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