This is my king!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Hail, king of the Jews!” (Mark 15:18)
How can this scene even be possible?
God’s Word made flesh subjected to hurtful human words.
The authorities taunt and torment the Authority.
How can God endure such mockery, from those he made?
The irony is that what they say is true.
And the kneeling they do now, they will do again!
“At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord.” (Philippians 2:10-11)
Jesus is king of the Jews… and king of the whole creation!
We may choose or refuse to confess or bow now, but one day we all will.
Willingly or unwillingly, one day everyone will recognize the truth.
This scene is stirring within me the desire to bow and confess!
I’d rather serve the One whose love could bring him to suffer like this.
Jesus, with all my heart, I declare: ‘You are my king, the king over all!’
Lord, I am ashamed to be human for how we treated you. And yet you knew us fully, and were not ashamed to become one with us to save us. That’s love. That’s my king!


  1. What is it about us – that we have fun at somebody else’s expense? Is it a power trip for insecure people? The soldiers knew that Jesus was popular – but he was part of the Jewish people who were the people they had authority over – and they were comfortable in their authority – if they only knew who really had the authority. Jesus had to hold back any anger or retribution he felt – the power was at his command. He held back so that he would be led as an innocent lamb to the slaughter. Yet what is it about us that we like to exercise our authority? Is it a twisted sense of rule – even in the church? Jesus taught we must lead as servants – and he exemplified it – we too need to be so careful how we exercise any advantage that we have over someone else! Lord help me to be like you – more and more each day I pray!

  2. Little did they know that the soldiers and all fulfilled the Word – that all will bow down for Jesus. He was and still is the King of kings. And all people one day will pay homage to Him and kneel before Him but they will not be saved because they did not recognize Him. The way Jesus was treated is also what happens in the world today. God’s love is shown that He understands us and nothing can separate His love from us. And as Jesus was raised so too will all those who believe in Him.

    Stand up, stand up for Jesus,
    the strife will not be long;
    this day the noise of battle,
    the next, the victor’s song.
    To him that overcometh
    a crown of life shall be;
    he with the King of glory
    shall reign eternally.

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