Willing to cling and to sing!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“I sing in the shadow of you wings.” (Psalm 63:7)
David is hiding in the wilderness; Saul is trying to kill him (v.9).
Imagine how you would feel… does this psalm express it?
As he lays awake under the stars, he thinks about God (v.6).
“Your love is better than life” (v.3); this is what he thinks about?
David is clinging to the Lord (v.8) in this time of crisis.
As a result love, joy and peace overflow within him.
It reminds me of Paul and Silas singing in the dark prison cell.
Singing like chicks chirping under a hen’s protective wing.
God longs to give us this love, joy and peace too.
“How often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.” (Matthew 23:37)
David, Paul and Silas, they were all willing to experience this.
They looked up beyond their circumstances, and reflected on God’s love.
Am I willing? Am I clinging? Am I singing under his wings?
Lord, I want to experience this love, joy and peace, which are all better than life. I will cling to you, as your right had upholds me!


  1. David is a fugitive and he is hiding in the dessert – and he sings and says: “I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods”. He has a wonderful expectation of God to provide – he’s experienced (I have seen your sanctuary he says) it. He knows God will come through so he will cling to God even though it looks ‘iffy’ at the moment. It’s one thing to worship when its relatively easy and peaceful – but when under threat it is not. Yet we hear it so often that those under persecution are more confident in their faith then those for whom its ‘no sweat’. Lord help me to be more like David and sing of your salvation for me even when times are tough, but especially when they are not – help me never to minimize the cost of your love for me Lord Jesus/Heavenly Father!

  2. Emmanuel.
    God with us.
    He is the One who carries me each day anew. He is the wind beneath my wings. I too praise Him on my bed at night when awake during the night. He provides me my peace. He is my guardian and Guide and Protector. I am His and He is mine. It doesn’t get any better than this.

    Oh God You Are My God
    And I Will Ever Praise You
    Oh God You Are My God
    And I Will Ever Praise You

    I Will Seek You In The Morning
    And I Will Learn To Walk In Your Ways
    And Step By Step You’ll Lead Me
    And I Will Follow You All Of My Days

    And I Will Follow You All Of My Days,
    And I Will Follow You All Of My Days.
    And Step By Step You’ll Lead Me
    And I Will Follow You All Of My Days.

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