1. Thanks for sharing that Jill.

    One further thought on the suffering of Jesus is that its more than what happened on the cross. The cross was like a focal point of ALL the suffering that has every happened, concentrated on Him. His suffering was more than the nails and thorns and scourging, it was the cry of the starving child, of the rape victim, those who are robbed or abused or murdered. I just think of what I would suffer if those things happened to my kids, and then realize that He also endured that.

    We cannot fathom how horrible and awful our sin is, and how horrible and awful God’s suffering is. yet He endures it to give us the chance, the hope, of forgiveness, of freedom, of new life.

    Yes, there are no words to say how grateful and thankful I am for Him!

  2. I haven’t watched “The Passion of the Christ”. In fact, I have never been able to watch all of any film about the life of Jesus. It has been too difficult, too real…
    I have been on this healing journey for a long time. The Cross has become so important to me. I am realizing more and more Who Jesus is -what He has done for us, for me. I have been coming to this place for a while where I knew I could, I needed to, watch this.
    Jesus suffered for us. He understands my suffering. Writing that seems silly, as if my suffering could in anyway compare to His! And yet, He is telling me that Himself, that He understands my pain, that He cried when I cried, that He did not want it to happen, that He was with me…
    What else!
    He gladly suffered for me.
    What does this mean?
    Hebrews 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross. . .
    It is so unbearably amazing.
    No words really.
    How much He loves us, wants a relationship with us, what He would not do to be with us.
    I look and I think I don’t want Him to have to have gone through all that. I barely get a glimpse of how terrible it was…
    It is unbelievable but it is True
    And there are no words to say how grateful and thankful I am for Him.

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