
SCRIPTURE: 1 Chronicles 23-27
The work of the Levites was to assist the priests, the descendants of Aaron, as they served at the house of the Lord… And so, under the supervision of the priests, the Levites watched over the Tabernacle and the Temple and faithfully carried out their duties of service at the house of the Lord. [1 Chronicles 23:28,32]
In today’s lengthy readings (5 chapters) we have David organizing the administration of the temple.
The Levites receive new assignments for when the temple is complete and their tabernacle duties are no longer required.
David assigns them roles as musicians, gatekeepers, treasurers, as well as general helpers to the priests.
As a church leader, I can relate to the organizational planning that was needed to make this work.
I am in the midst of revisioning both the mission and the management of Crossroads church.
And sometimes it seems so unspiritual…

Is administration unspiritual?
Paul describes “administration” as a spiritual gift [1 Corinthians 12:28]; the actual word kubernesis is used of the helmsman on a ship charged with directing the ship and guiding it to its intended destination.
Metaphorically the word is used to describe clever direction, and the knowledge and insight needed to order the affairs of the church.
This is what David was doing; this is what Jesus also did.
We know that Judas “was in charge of the disciples’ money” [John 12:6, also John 13:9].
In other words, Jesus put Judas in charge of their finances.
It seems that Judas had a gift for handling finances, but unfortunately his gift was also his downfall — “he often stole some (money) for himself.”
We also know that those who served in the temple did not always fulfill their assignments with integrity.
In fact, the constant problem that God’s people have faced throughout the ages has been their failure to do what God calls them to do wit integrity.
History reveals how the church has messed up in regards to money, sex and power.

Spirit-inspired, God honouring administration is absolutely necessary.
We are called by the King to direct and guide the ship through challenging seas; we are tested and tempted by the enemy to abandon our post, or to take shortcuts, or to adjust the destination towards ports that we prefer.
The Lord’s mission will not fail because of the failure of His servants.
He will adjust His plans to assure His victory.
He will warn His servants gently, firmly, and eventually will replace them with others.

Will we be faithful servants in the house of the Lord? Will I be?


Lord, You have placed me as a helmsman on Your ship; help me to be faithful and loyal in my work for You. May Your kingdom come, whether through me or despite me!

One Comment

  1. A listing – priest, levites, singers, soldiers and more. All called to serve. Every member of the body is called to do irs part so that the body may function properly and God may be glorified. Each one is fitted for service. Even the military – standing on guard for Christ – like watchmen in the morning.

    It doesn’t matter what our role is – big or small – bloom for Christ where you have been planted.

    All for Jesus, all for Jesus!
    All my being’s ransomed powers:
    All my thoughts and words and doings,
    All my days and all my hours.

    All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
    All my days and all my hours;
    All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
    All my days and all my hours.

    Let my hands perform His bidding,
    Let my feet run in His ways;
    Let my eyes see Jesus only,
    Let my lips speak forth His praise.

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