he-man and the Master of the Universe

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SCRIPTURE: 1 Chronicles 15
David also ordered the Levite leaders to appoint a choir of Levites who were singers and musicians to sing joyful songs to the accompaniment of harps, lyres, and cymbals. So the Levites appointed Heman son of Joel along with his fellow Levites… [1 Chronicles 15:16-17]
But as the Ark of the Lord’s Covenant entered the City of David, Michal, the daughter of Saul, looked down from her window. When she saw King David skipping about and laughing with joy, she was filled with contempt for him. [1 Chronicles 15:29]

When I was a kid, there was a cartoon called “Heman and the Masters of the Universe”; Heman was this buff, macho man endued with the ‘power of Grayskull’.
I thought of him when I read about Heman the choir director, and about David skipping and laughing with joy – hardly a macho, “he-man” image.
And yet both Heman and David were impacted by the power of God, and it humbled and inspired them both!

As he rode along, the crowds spread out their garments on the road ahead of him. When he reached the place where the road started down the Mount of Olives, all of his followers began to shout and sing as they walked along, praising God for all the wonderful miracles they had seen. “Blessings on the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven, and glory in highest heaven!” But some of the Pharisees among the crowd said, “Teacher, rebuke your followers for saying things like that!” He replied, “If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers!” [Luke 19:36-40]
Here we have the Master of the Universe riding on a donkey (hardly a He-man image), and the crowds going wild with praise and celebration – just like when the Ark (symbol of God’s presence entered Jerusalem).
And here we have the religious leaders (like Michal) disdaining the excessive expression of praise.
But Jesus makes it plain that even if people refuse to acknowledge Him as the Master of the Universe, the Universe itself will (the stones).
Jesus is the Master of the Universe; we can either join in with the Universe in acknowledging and honouring Him, or we can refuse.
Sure, it may seem silly, humiliating, not the ‘he-man’ thing to do.
Today I hear the Lord asking me to honour and celebrate and sing to and dance for Him… will I?

Lord, singing and dancing and praising and worshipping don’t seem ‘macho’ to me, and yet… for You… its worth it! You deserve it!

One Comment

  1. Dancing and celebrating in the presence of the Lord. When is the last time I did that, if ever?

    When in His presence we are quick to give comments about the worship styles of others if it doesn’t fit our mold. It needs to be about me and my relationship to the Lord and how Iam in His presence celebrating all the good He has done for me. Help me to live the life of JesusOthersYourself – JOY – Lord and I live this day for you.

    Come into His presence with thanksgiving
    In your hearts and give Him praise
    And give Him praise
    Come into His presence with thanksgiving
    In your hearts your voices raise
    Your voices raise
    Give glory and honor and power unto Him
    Jesus the Name above all names

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