Slave to ALL?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.” (Mark 10:44)
There is something in us that wants to be on top, to be in control.
Even if we prefer not to be leaders, we still resist the idea of being servants and slaves.
We don’t mind serving people we love, but NOT all people (and especially not them).
We exercise authority by pronouncing judgments (opinions) about others.
We exercise authority by avoiding or shunning those we ‘look down on’.
As Jesus followers we need to deal with this extremely challenging command of Jesus.
How will you become a slave to THOSE people – yes, those ones you speak against?
Jesus did not just choose to serve those he liked, those who were nice to him.
“While we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son.” (Romans 5:10)
Pay attention to how Christians speak about those they oppose or see as ‘the enemy’.
Consider how you relate to those that you disagree with, or consider wrong or bad.
Being a slave is not just tolerating people, it is working for them, helping them.
Can you think of an example of Jesus followers serving their opponents like this?
Can you think of people in your life that Jesus is calling you to be a slave to?
Lord, I can’t think of examples of this – in my own life or in church as I’ve experienced it. Show me who you want me to serve today, and help me to do it.

One Comment

  1. “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” The example of servanthood from the highest level – that inspires me. Yet somehow when we get into positions of leadership we end up in front. It is so easy to get ‘big’ headed – even proud. Oh Lord, how I need to counter any of those notions that may get in my head like that of James and John. I’m happy that this example is here and how Jesus calls us not to seek power and position but rather seek for opportunity to serve each other! Thank you Lord for opportunities – help me to stay humble and willing to serve wherever you call me!

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