Who do you say he is?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“‘Who do you say I am?’ Peter answered, ‘You are the Messiah.’” (Mark 8:29)
God had promised for centuries that a Messiah (Saviour, Lord) would come.
I can say that for myself, Jesus is my Lord and Saviour.
He is my constant Friend, Guide, Leader, Helper, in very real, very practical ways.
For myself, this is so real, yet I meet people – even Christians – who don’t experience this.
I try to explain it to them, so they can rely on Jesus through their struggles.
But they look at me funny, or say ‘it’ doesn’t work for them, or smile and say little.
It is dawning on me again that I cannot say it for others, only for myself.
And just as Peter’s response was based on his experience…
And my response is based on my experience…
I have to pray that Jesus would give these others an experience of himself.
Until God reveals Jesus to their heart, I cannot do it.
I thank the Lord that he has revealed himself to me.
As a Jesus follower, it is not my job to convince you… only to confess to you.
To answer Jesus’ question for myself, and pray that his Spirit will convince you.
Lord, I want others to know you as their Friend, Guide, Leader and Helper in very real, personal way. Make yourself real to them, so that they experience you are real.


  1. Jesus disciples profess that Jesus is the Messiah and then Jesus tells them to be quiet. Jesus is fighting the rising popularity that could undermine his need to carry out his mission of redeeming us. Yet the disciple’s profession is important for me. They were close to Jesus and witnessed Him – if they did not profess Him to be the Messiah then who would! Jesus is the Messiah – but should I keep it quiet? I can only share what he does for me in my relationship with Him!

  2. Jesus, my Saviour and Friend and redeemer and . . .
    my Lord and God.
    Help me by Your Spirit to see You more clearly as I live in Your presence. May others see You in me. Help me to share the Good News.

    There is a Redeemer
    Jesus, God’s own Son
    Precious Lamb of God
    Messiah, Holy One

    Jesus, my Redeemer
    Name above all names
    Precious Lamb of God
    Messiah, O for sinners slain

    Thank You, O my Father
    For giving us Your Son
    And leaving us Your Spirit
    ‘Til the work on earth is done

    When I stand in glory
    I will see His face
    And there I’ll serve
    My King forever
    In that holy place

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