An invitation to follow!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Whether by day or by night, whenever the cloud lifted, they set out.” (Numbers 9:21)
As a Jesus follower, I am committed to going where Jesus leads, doing what Jesus asks.
But I do not have a ‘glory cloud’ to follow… at least not in the same way.
The glory cloud represented God, the same ‘glory’ that Moses saw and reflected (Exodus 33-34).
“The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.” (Exodus 34:6-7)
When I see Jesus (through the gospels, in my mind), this is how I see God in him.
And it is this ‘glow’ of compassion, grace, love and faithfulness that moves me.
The Lord’s glorious grace compels me, directing me to go here or there to share his grace.
Jesus has filled me with God’s Spirit, and I am to keep in step with that Spirit.
To “keep in step with the Spirit” of “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc” (Galatians 5:16,22-24)
This is different from how Israel followed God, and yet it is the spiritually the same.
This is where God wants to take us, how God wants to bring us into the life of blessing.
Do you want to experience this life, to walk in the ‘glory’ of God’s love, joy and peace?
“If you come with us, we will share with you whatever good things the Lord gives us.” (Numbers 10:32)
Lord, help me to see where you glorious grace leads me, and help me to go when and where you send to to share these good things with others!


  1. A prayer for travel: “Whenever the ark set out, Moses said, “Rise up, Lord! May your enemies be scattered; may your foes flee before you.” And a prayer when the Israelites rested: “Return, Lord, to the countless thousands of Israel.” The tabernacle (God with us) and the cloudy pillar of fire or of smoke – assure the people of God’s presence – whether travelling or whether at rest. Lord travel with me on my life’s journey by the presence of your HS – your gift to me whether I travel or rest – you at there! Thank you!

  2. I thought how tedious it must have been, camping in the desert, packing up. moving, setting up again…no trees….no way to get away from each other…and I wonder why God did it that way… all those years…. Where did they get grain to make bread and to feed the animals… somehow God supplied….
    Currently I am in a desert…of pain and stiffness. … sometimes a drug haze… my world has become small for a time…. everything tires me out…. what is the point….why does God let this….. why could He not just heal…. I could be so much more useful if I was well….
    Like the Israelites I once again need to trust Him. He knows what He is doing. He is in all this.
    Please Jesus help me trust You. and thank-You for all the good things in this unwanted journey.

  3. The Lord God leads His people by His presence by His cloud then. He continues to lead His people by His presence also today by His Spirit and His Word. I just need to walk in His ‘SonShine’ every day asking the Lord God to lead me and guide me in the way I should go. I need to have ears to hear His voice and eyes to see His presence. Prayerfully I go forward each day following His leading and guiding in all I do and say.

    1 Spirit of God, who dwells within my heart,
    wean it from sin, through all its pulses move.
    Stoop to my weakness, mighty as you are,
    and make me love you as I ought to love.

    2 I ask no dream, no prophet ecstasies,
    no sudden rending of the veil of clay,
    no angel visitant, no opening skies;
    but take the dimness of my soul away.

    3 Did you not bid us love you, God and King,
    love you with all our heart and strength and mind?
    I see the cross there teach my heart to cling.
    O let me seek you and O let me find!

    4 Teach me to feel that you are always nigh;
    teach me the struggles of the soul to bear,
    to check the rising doubt, the rebel sigh;
    teach me the patience of unceasing prayer.

    5 Teach me to love you as your angels love,
    one holy passion filling all my frame:
    the fullness of the heaven-descended Dove;
    my heart an altar, and your love the flame.

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