No curse for the victims!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“May this bitter water that brings a curse not harm you.” (Numbers 5:19)
God’s desire is to bless, not curse, the people (Numbers 6:22-27).
Some people, like Nazirites, really wanted to bless God with their devotion (Numbers 6:1-21).
But there were also those who wronged others, who brought misery not blessing.
At first I read the words regarding the test for an unfaithful wife negatively.
But as I think it through, this ‘test’ was actually beneficial to innocent victims.
Those who were not guilty, whose husbands were being jerks, could trust the water.
It was just water and dust… yet it came from God’s presence, as if was God filling them!
Women in that culture were often forced to drink a bitter cup of injustice and cruelty.
Maybe these chapters elevate women and wives… along with the Levites and Nazirites.
I am reminded of the woman caught in adultery (John 8), or the other women with Jesus.
Though the women of that day had a bitter cup to drink, they were not cursed.
Jesus blesses sinners and prostitutes, his face smiling on them… not cursing them!
To all the falsely accused, unfairly abused victims out there: “the Lord bless you!”
He drinks the bitter water with you and for you because he is faithful to you!
Lord, may all those with position or power who abuse or oppress those under them be humbled; may those who are abused or oppressed be honoured and blessed as they experience your face shining on them!


  1. All these cleansing rituals and the tests for purity and faithfulness – God wants his people to be ‘holy’ – His people – sin and unfaithfulness and impurity must dealt with. The priest was the key person who adjudicated the cleansing. Jesus is my high priest – but he does more than what the priest did – the Israelites had to bring sacrifices – they had to present the to the priest so that the priest could receive them and accept them in return for forgiveness/blessing. I really have nothing to bring to Jesus – he has brought what is needed – I need to bring my love and faithfulness for Him – believing Him to be my high priest – my Lord and my King. Thank you Jesus that I am now blessed as one of yours and that now I can live to be a blessing to others!

  2. Laws for daily living.
    Be faithful unto one another and the Lord, your God.
    We are all set apart for service to the Lord. Commitment.
    I need to take stock also of my life and see if I am totally committed to Him by my words and deeds. I am not my own but belong to Him, my Lord and Saviour. Prayerfully, I continue to live for Jesus each day, following Him.
    Lead me and guide me Lord.

    I am weak, and I need Thy strength and power
    To help me over my weakest hour;
    Let me through the darkness Thy face to see,
    Lead me, O Lord, lead me.

    Lead me, guide me along the way;
    For if You lead me, I cannot stray;
    Lord, let me walk each day with Thee.
    Lead me, O Lord, lead me.

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