What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“They will take nothing with them when they die!” (Psalm 49:17)
Today’s reading is about the emptiness of wealth and possessions.
I sense the Lord challenging me about what I am focused on.
I am financially secure, and I am a frugal spender!
But the issue is not how much I have, or how I spend… but where my trust lies.
“This is the fate of those who trust in themselves.” (Psalm 49:13)
If I am really honest, do I trust my secure finances more than God?
Am I content because I have stuff and money; would I feel secure if I lost it?
“Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” (Luke 12:15)
So then, what DOES life consist of, what should I be pursuing?
Jesus urges us to pursue treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:20), but what is that?
My sense is that people are the greatest treasure, the people we have loved.
To invest ourselves in people as our hope, our joy, our crown (1 Thessalonians 2:19).
To spend my time, talent and treasures on loving and blessing God and people!?
I want to be rich in the best way possible – with God and with people!
Lord, I’m not asking for poverty but for wisdom, contentment and to be rich in the best way possible.
“the ransom for a life is costly, no payment is ever enough—9 so that they should live on forever and not see decay.” How did the Psalmist know what it would cost to ransom us? What it took for Jesus to redeem us? I’m amazed – but really I shouldn’t be! The Psalmist was inspired – and HS led him/her to write what they did. Yet today many put their security in other things/notions! I too need to recognize that nothing on earth is durable and whatever I amass – means little when my heart fails and my body crashes! Lord Jesus – thank you for calling me and coming to me. You are my Redeemer!
What am I living for?
In times like these, the evil days, when men think only of themselves, live for themselves, are a law to themselves, I need to place my trust in the Lord God who is in charge. It is His world I am living in. I am living daily in His ‘Sonshine’, today and forevermore. Those who put their trust in money and power will not see the light of day ever again. The wealth and power also will disappear when they die for they lacked the Light of Christ to lead them in the Way. They lived for themselves without regard for others.
1 Lead on, O King eternal,
the day of march has come;
henceforth in fields of conquest
your tents will be our home.
Through days of preparation
your grace has made us strong;
and now, O King eternal,
we lift our battle song.
2 Lead on, O King eternal,
till sin’s fierce war shall cease,
and holiness shall whisper
the sweet amen of peace.
For not with swords’ loud clashing
or roll of stirring drums
with deeds of love and mercy
the heavenly kingdom comes.
3 Lead on, O King eternal;
we follow, not with fears,
for gladness breaks like morning
where’er your face appears.
Your cross is lifted o’er us,
we journey in its light;
the crown awaits the conquest;
lead on, O God of might.