Humble faith and gracious peace!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Your faith has healed you, go in peace and be free!” (Mark 5:34)
Read Leviticus 15:19-31, which describes this woman as unclean.
She was guilty of defiling Jesus, and the crowds, and was still unclean (Leviticus 15:28).
No wonder she was “trembling with fear” (mark 5:33), she was defiled.
What is worse, she stole this touch, without asking permission.
I try to imagine what life must have been like for her, being treated as unclean.
She was used to being shunned and shamed for her condition.
She knew what people would say when she was exposed, but what about Jesus?
“Your faith has healed you, go in peace and be free!” (Mark 5:34)
This is why I love Jesus, and why I cling to Jesus despite the Moses Law.
The Moses Law accuses me of weakness and shame, and makes me feel unacceptable.
It actually drives me to God for help, to be desperate on God for mercy.
And wonder of wonders, this is what we find when we come to God in humility and need.
Jesus shows us that God does not measure us by our ‘goodness’ but by our faith.
Jesus sees our humble desperation as faith, and says: “go in peace and be free!”
Lord, I have learned not to hide from you but to come clean to you… and you lovingly declare me clean! I will keep coming to you!


  1. The touch of faith: “Daughter, your faith has healed you.” Believing in Jesus – that is what unleashes the presence and power of Jesus – believing and we receive the gift of the HS – we are empowered to be a blessing to others – to pass on the grace of God! Thank you Jesus. Sharpen the eyes of my faith that I may be able to be a blessing to others – as I travel through life with you!

  2. Jesus was the answer for the woman. In her rejected state, she went to Jesus, knowing that she was an outcast. Come to Jesus as you are, as I am and He will make you/me whole. One is free in Christ. One is whole in Christ Jesus.

    1 Come to Jesus,
    Come to Jesus,
    Come to Jesus just now, just now.
    Come to Jesus,
    Come to Jesus just now!

    2 Only trust him, …
    3 He is able, …
    4 He will save you, …

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