Let them all rejoice!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy.” (Psalm 47:1)
Imagine being bullied for years, then finally being vindicated.
Think of your joy and gratitude for your protector and benefactor.
This is the feeling behind Psalm 47, the praise of the victim vindicated.
This psalm was likely written for when the Ark of God was first placed in the temple.
The message here is not just for Israel but for “all you nations” (v.1).
God stands up for everyone, and always resists the cruel and unjust…
God will even oppose Israel (or the church) if they become bullies.
God is not just good to Israel (or the church), but to all people.
Anyone can find shelter and protection and justice from God.
Sadly, too many people have suffered at the hands of the bully church.
The church has actually hindered people from celebrating God’s reign.
As Jesus followers, we join with Jesus in giving people reason to “clap their hands”.
We stand with the underdog, we resist injustice and violence and help the weak.
Is our joy in Jesus as king giving other people reason to celebrate?
Lord, may your kingdom come in me and in this community, and may the people living here join in the celebration that you are King!


  1. What does it mean that God is King? That Jesus is Lord of my life? It is not like God or Jesus is ‘steering me’ like the wheel of a car or anything. I am not a machine or robot that instantly obeys – rather I have my own will and it requires me to acknowledge God/Jesus as Lord and King. To a king I submit authority over me. I acknowledge the rulership of a King. This psalm acknowledges that God is King- Jesus is Lord – and I earnestly seek to follow him. Do I do so faithfully? No – but I try and desire to do so. God you are sovereign King – you created everything – from you comes all power and authority! I acknowledge! I submit.

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