What he says rings true!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“A new teaching — and with authority!” (Mark 1:27)
When Jesus spoke, what he said was weighty and deep, it rang true.
Jesus was not just good with words, or comfortable in front of an audience.
What he said, and how he said it, seemed to come from God.
And what he said even compelled demons to listen and leave.
This is what I sense when I hear Jesus’s teaching, and what I see in his life.
It is the weight and depth of Jesus’s teaching that convinces me to trust him.
It’s not that I always like what he says – it is radical and impossible.
Yet it rings true; it convicts me, comforts me, and compels me to be better.
And his portrayal of God resonates with how I deep down sense God is.
Furthermore, he not only speaks it, he lives it too.
The life he lived matches the words he taught, and the world was impacted.
I am convinced that Jesus’s teaching and help are what I need, and what the world needs.
He continues to speak with authority to me, and I continue to want to follow him.
For myself, I have decided to follow Jesus and his teaching… how about you?
Lord, what you say (and how you lived) rings true to me. But it is also impossible for me to follow you in your way. I need your mercy, I need your help. Thank you for giving me both!


  1. “Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” Yes – Jesus has come to destroy evil – the evil one! He has the authority and He accomplished complete redemption for all who believe and trust in Him. Yet evil still has it’s day and we see bad things happening – yet we can count on a friend – we have Jesus – What a friend we have in Jesus… better to walk through life with a friend who has authority than not! Thank you Jesus for being my Friend – more than that – May Saviour!

  2. The authority by which Jesus taught amazed the people. It was compelling, not only with words but also by deeds. That was certainly different than the religious leaders of that day who prided in themselves. And to drive out the evil spirit from the man – was amazing. What was he doing in the temple in the first place? He and I both need His presence in our lives so that others may see the love of God in us and through us by our words and deeds. That love of Christ makes us able to follow Jesus and to live for Him.

    Jesus, all for Jesus
    All I am and have and ever hope to be
    Jesus, all for Jesus
    All I am and have and ever hope to be

    All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
    I surrender these into Your hands
    All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
    I surrender these into Your hands

    For it’s only in Your will that I am free
    For it’s only in Your will that I am free
    Jesus, all for Jesus
    All I am and have and ever hope to be

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