The kingdom has come near!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The time has come, the kingdom of God has come near!” (Mark 1:15)
As followers of Jesus, we believe the good news of God’s kingdom.
We believe Jesus has overcome sin and Satan and reclaimed Adam’s throne for humanity.
We believe Jesus is ruling all creation (Genesis 1:26-28, Matthew 28:18-20).
And we are called to join Jesus, to draw people to God like ‘fishers of men!’
We are not just forgiven, we are set free and restored to the full life in God.
We follow Jesus by joining him in living a God-pleasing life, with the Spirit’s help.
We are ambassadors for God and Jesus, we reveal the good news in our own lives.
Jesus has restored the kingdom FOR US, this is totally by grace alone.
But this grace enables us to join Jesus, to live WITH him, LIKE him and FOR him.
With his help, we resist sin and choose the good life, the fruit of the Spirit.
THIS is how we fulfill Adam’s calling, to fill the world with God’s reflection.
The result will be good news for us, and for others, and for the creation.
As a Jesus follower, do I bring good news by how I live WITH, LIKE and FOR Jesus!
Do I reflect of the good news of Jesus’ victory over Satan, sin, death and hell?
Lord, believing in you is more than ‘being saved’, it as a way of living with, like and for you in this world, God’s creation Kingdom. Help me live like you, like Adam (was supposed to), like God!


  1. “The kingdom of God has come near.” And Jesus says to me, Come follow me! Yes Jesus is near! He has changed my life ! I want to follow him more nearly each day. I thank him for opportunities to serve in different forums of service. Help me Lord Jesus to be faithful to whom I am – your follower!

  2. Jesus still calls us today to be fishers of men. As His disciples of long ago followed at His calling, so I too need to follow at His calling. The disciples then followed Him and became ‘little Christs’, identity by their following and doing. So too today, His followers have their identity in following Him. Others will be able to see us as His by our words and deeds – by our love. Christians do what Christ did – serve.

    1 I will make you fishers of men,
    Fishers of men, fishers of men,
    I will make you fishers of men
    If you follow Me;
    If you follow Me,
    If you follow Me,
    I will make you fishers of men
    If you follow Me.

    2 Hear Christ calling, Come unto Me,
    Come unto Me, Come unto Me;
    Hear Christ calling, Come unto Me,
    I will give you rest;
    I will give you rest,
    I will give you rest;
    Hear Christ calling, Come unto Me,
    I will give you rest.

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