Mustard seed growth


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“When he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything.” (Mark 4:34)
I find there are two ways that I get more from the bible.
First, when I am alone with Jesus and I journal through with him what I am reading.
Second, when I am with a few people discussing what Jesus is saying together.
In both cases, it is not the large group gatherings that are most helpful to me.
This may be a personality thing for me, as I am an introvert.
But I also think that smaller gatherings, like mustard seeds, have more potential.
One on one, or with a few others, learning becomes a dialogue, with mutual learning.
I can bring my personality into the conversation, and also appreciate others views.
The truth of Jesus can be personalized, and made more specific in application.
As churches we want to grow bigger, but maybe we need to starting expanding smaller.
I read of a communist country where people cannot gather in groups larger than 15.
Christians who gather need to keep splitting at 14 – and the church is multiplying.
The members have to become leaders, and everyone has to work together to learn and serve.
Small gatherings alone with Jesus, growing into the largest of plants with big branches!
Lord, for me personally large churches (over 15) are not helpful. Thank you for our alone time together. Help me to find a few others to learn and grow with as well.


  1. “when planted, it grows” The Kingdom seed needs to be planted – the is the role of the disciple – it is to cast the seed – to plant it in whatever way possible. I/we need to be faithful in planting seeds – the small act of kindness, that special word of encouragement or hope. What is planted can be used by the HS to stimulate growth – faith in the Lord Jesus. Help me Lord to see the opportunities to plant – help me be a good farmer for you!

  2. Planting a small seed which in time produces a huge plant. Reminds me of farmers today, planting corn or wheat seeds which grow to multiply greatly – a rich harvest. God’s message when accepted begins small but grows beyond expectations affecting lives in ourselves and around us. It grows making a difference in our lives and those around us. Just think of the Lord’s kingdom during the times of the disciples to what it is today. His kingdom is spreading everywhere and still is until His kingdom will be complete. And that’s amazing! May His kingdom come fully. And Lord, help me to grow in You.

    In Christ alone my hope is found
    He is my light, my strength, my song
    This cornerstone, this solid ground
    Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
    What heights of love, what depths of peace
    When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
    My comforter, my all in all
    Here, in the love of Christ, I stand

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