Present yourself to the priest


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“They must present themselves to the priest.” (Leviticus 13:19)
At first glance these chapters are hardly inspiring to read.
I do not struggle with defiling skin diseases or defiling molds.
Moses is addressing a concern for his time and context… but I cannot relate to it.
And yet I have my own moments where I need to discern clean from unclean.
How do I deal with an ethical dilemma, a difficult choice or an enticing desire?
Is there a parallel for how I need to handle these moments and decisions?
“The priest is to examine it…” (Leviticus 13:20)
“To determine when something is clean or unclean.” (Leviticus 14:57)

These chapters remind me that I need to present myself to the priest, so he can examine me.
We have a sympathetic high priest who will help us discern our hearts and our ways.
He will search and test my heart, he will lead me in the way everlasting (Psalm 139:23-24).
In my journaling time, I go to the priest to examine a situation or challenge.
Through prayer and scripture meditation, I sense the Lord examining and directing me.
I am thankful for this opportunity to go to the priest to discern what is clean… nor not.
Lord, reveal to me any defiling thoughts or desires or behaviours that are undermining my relationship with you. Cleanse me, and I will be clean!


  1. “the priest shall pronounce the affected person clean; then they will be clean…In this way the priest will make atonement before the Lord on behalf of the one to be cleansed.”
    The priest is the key person – He is the person that will pronounce when a person is clean in the sight of God. Jesus is the perfect high priest – He is the one that pronounces me clean – not only that – he presented himself as the atoning sacrifice for me! He is the way – the only way to be cleansed. I don’t deserve it – but even before I admitted my own sin – Jesus died for me! He redeemed me – He cleansed me and He pronounced that on me!!

  2. Remember the man with the terrible skin disease begging Jesus to heal him? He was made clean and also had to show himself to the priest so that he would be allowed back into the community. The man was healed physically but also socially. Jesus wants us to be whole. It is the Lord God Who heals and I need His healing to make me whole – physically, socially, spiritually, emotionally – in all areas of life.

    Heal me O, Lord
    And I will be healed
    Save me and I will be saved
    Heal me O, Lord
    And I will be healed
    For You are the One I praise
    You are the One I praise

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