Declared clean and pure!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“You must distinguish between the unclean and the clean.” (Leviticus 11:47)
Are these ‘unclean’ creatures actually unclean, or just symbolically unclean?
Are these clean/unclean designations symbols, or parables, teaching a deeper lesson?
If they are actually unclean, then how can Jesus declare them ‘clean’?
“Don’t you see that nothing that enters a person from the outside can defile them? (In saying
this, Jesus declared all foods clean.)” (Mark 7:18,20)

What has changed, that Jesus can simply declare the unclean clean?
What makes a woman unclean (impure) after childbirth (twice so for a daughter)?
Is this actually ‘impure’, or symbolically so?
And if symbolic, what is the deeper lesson in this (again, twice so for a daughter).
Many guesses have been offered, but they all remain guesses… interpretations.
My focus is on how Jesus declares all things and all people clean, pure!
The lessons for ancient Israel no longer apply for us today; the reality is in Jesus.
We are washed clean, declared holy, and welcome into God’s presence at all times!
Stop thinking of yourself as unclean, unacceptable; you are God’s clean, pure, precious child!
Lord, I don’t understand the specifics of these chapters (and even question some of them). But one thing I know: I am NOT unclean or impure, for you have declared me clean and pure!


  1. “therefore be holy, because I am holy.” God is pure and righteous – I know I am not. God wants to be close to us – so we too need to be clean. God had his people observe very specific instructions – it is a test of his people to be faithful in recognizing that they are special. I too need to recognize that I too am ‘a much loved child of God’ – I too am destined for holiness. That holiness is made possible by my trust in Jesus – who washes me – paid the penalty of sin – his life blood gives me life. I live – not I too must seek what pleases God – Jesus- Holy Spirit – help me be more and more holy in all that I do!!

  2. Great passage – I wonder how many lives were saved by these regulations considering the state of hygiene and food safety in those days? Not to mention the accidental prevention of contamination – that’s more washing a day than everyone did until COVID it seems!

    Lord thank you for your wisdom that is to be followed, not understood. Help me be at peace that I won’t understand some of the circumstances you have me in till I’m well past them.

  3. Set apart.
    ‘Be holy, because I am holy.’
    The rules were for living in His presence and for their own personal health. This was their living for Jesus at that time obeying Him, honouring God, belonging to Him. Set apart. His followers even today need to be set apart and obey His word showing the world that we belong to Jesus and in Him we too are holy to the Lord.

    Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
    All Thy works shall praise Thy name, in earth and sky and sea;
    Holy, holy, holy! merciful and mighty!
    God in three Persons, blessed Trinity!

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