When his words grip my heart and mind!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“He taught them many things by parables…” (Mark 4:2)
Parables are stories that create picture in your mind, and that teach you something.
You do not simply hear the story, you need to let the story grip your heart and mind.
It takes effort and time to figure a parable out, and some people prefer not to do that.
I see the whole bible as a parable, stories that mean more than the words themselves.
There is wisdom written within the stories, which the Spirit will help you to hear.
But why does the Lord make it so hard, why doesn’t he speak plainly?
Jesus uses parables to determine who has “ears to hear” (v.9).
That is, who is willing to put the time and effort into listening with heart.
Most christians already know what the sower and seed represent in this parable.
But do we sense the graphic, visceral imagery: birds eating, scorched and withered.
Shallow soil, no roots, choked by thorns… and abundant harvest.
This is much more gripping than just saying ‘do you read the bible’?
Jesus is reaching into our heart – comforting, convicting, challenging us.
Do I have ears to hear, and am I letting Jesus grip my heart and mind with his truth?
Lord, thank you for burying your treasure in such a way as it is there for me to enjoy, if I work with you to dig it out. May your seed be fruitful in me today!


  1. Hearing a good sermon is one thing – and listening to a good speaker is a pleasure. But there is more to hearing – what changes are brought about? Did I learn something new that I can use to transform me, develop me further along in my journey of life? When I hear Jesus say: ““Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.” I ask the question am I hearing? Does the HS act on what I hear and stimulate me to do ‘whatever I should do’ or change me. I think it is important to let people hear – but so much will not be received. People have ears but other then picking up the vibrations do they act on it? That acting to me is a work of the HS – so I pray as the word goes out the spirit may work. Lord, let even the little I say or do be used in some way to encourage another to walk more closely with you!

  2. Am I listening?
    Do I hear?
    How am I responding to the Word of God?
    What influence does it have on my life?
    The Gospel has been sown in my life. It needs daily to take root and produce fruit. They will know we are Christians by our love. My words and deeds need to show the fruit of the Spirit each day anew and I need to continually grow in the Word. I need to continue to listen and when I listen I need to act. The acts show I have truly listened. God continues to sow the seed and I just need to be an instrument of His peace and He does the rest.

    Stand up, stand up for Jesus,
    the trumpet call obey;
    forth to the mighty conflict
    in this his glorious day.
    Ye that are men now serve him
    against unnumbered foes;
    let courage rise with danger
    and strength to strength oppose.

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