Don’t be a religious mocker!

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 27:38-44

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“In the same way the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders mocked him. (Matthew 27:41)
It does not surprise me that the soldiers and rebels mock Jesus.
But it really bothers me that the religious leaders join in.
As a religious leader, I have to search my own conscience on this.
Have I mocked others because of their beliefs?
We live in a world filled with strange religious beliefs.
People trust prayer wheels, healing crystals, bathing in sacred rivers.
Each one thinks they are right, and that the others are foolish.
Our belief in the justice, mercy and grace of God ought to shape how we view others.
Their faith may seem strange, but they are desperate and sincere, and need hope.
To mock someone – anyone – for their trust in ‘god’ (however understood) – is cruel.
As Jesus followers we meet people where they are, and invite them into God’s goodness.
We do not ridicule and shame, we bless and serve, so that they want to know this God.
Who are the people I am snickering at – politically, religiously, morally?
Jesus invites me to join him, and not to join the religious leaders in their mockery.
Lord, I do not want to sit in the seat of mockers. Help me to see others in their desperate need for goodness, and help me to help them experience your goodness.

One Comment

  1. “You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself! Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God!” It is revealing that many knew Jesus said this – and they used this to mock Him. I keep thinking what if Jesus did respond – and it would be a temptation. Jesus has to stay focused on the objective – he had proven by His miracles etc. but they didn’t believe Him then however, He is going to come down from the cross and He is going to prove who He is – just not on their terms – thanks be to God – but on God’s terms. Jesus conquers the grave for us! All the mockery even from those hanging beside Him – were barbs of the evil one to derail Jesus – but Jesus stuck to it! He ‘hung’ on!

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