Taking responsibility now!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“What is that to us?” they replied. “That’s your responsibility.” (Matthew 27:4)
These words – ‘that is your responsibility’ – are sticking with me.
Though they are uncaring and cruel from the religious leaders, they are true.
But what is also true is that the religious leaders are responsible for their actions.
I am responsible before the Lord for what I do, others for what they do.
Judas is looking backwards, and regretting his failure of responsibility.
I sense the Spirit of Jesus compelling me to look forwards to my responsibility.
Before I am “seized with remorse” (27:3) like Judas, think about my actions.
My responsibility is to serve – not betray – the innocent.
My responsibility is to bless – not condemn – the weak and burdened and struggling.
Now is the time to put the love of Jesus into action, before I regret it later.
Judas thought that he loved money, until he realized the cost that would incur.
Do I love comfort, ease, reputation, success, security more than Jesus?
Will I one day look back with remorse that I did not love Jesus and people more?
When it is all said and done, “that’s my responsibility!”
Lord, I know what my responsibility is. Help me to be seized now with love, so that I will not be seized with remorse later on.


  1. “I have sinned,” he said, “for I have betrayed innocent blood.” Judas was with Jesus all the time – maybe for reasons of financial gain or hope for power – in the end he sells out Jesus. But when he realizes what they are now doing – he is convicted with remorse and his confession once again affirms who Jesus is – so much so that Judas takes his own life. There is no denying who Jesus is – I stake my life on Him. I have life because of Him and not death! Jesus was perfectly innocent just as Judas says! He was the spotless lamb – sacrificed to redeem us all from sin. Thank you Jesus!

  2. I need to always turn to Jesus. I am always in His presence and in His care. Judas chose to repent to the religious leaders but they had no compassion for his remorse. Jesus does. All who come to Him in full repentance bow, He will not turn away. Satan does not care about Judas. He was all alone in his remorse. Unless I repent I too will perish. I need to be like a small child for Jesus is the answer. Come to Jesus. Choose Life.

    1 Come to the Savior now,
    he gently calls to you;
    in true repentance bow,
    let him your heart renew.
    Christ came that you may know
    salvation, peace, and love,
    true joy on earth below,
    a home in heaven above.

    2 Come to the Savior now,
    all who have wandered far;
    renew your solemn vow,
    for his by right you are;
    come like poor, wandering sheep
    returning to his fold;
    his arm will safely keep,
    his love will ne’er grow cold.

    3 Come to the Savior, now,
    he offers all to you,
    and on his merits you
    can plead for life anew.
    No vain excuses frame,
    respond to Christ today!
    None who to Jesus came
    were ever sent away.

    4 Come to the Savior, all,
    whate’er your burdens be;
    hear now His loving call,
    “Cast all your care on me.”
    Come, and for every grief,
    in Jesus you will find
    a sure and safe relief,
    a loving friend and kind.

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