Is Jesus leading a rebellion?

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 26:55-56

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Am I leading a rebellion, that you have come out with swords and clubs…” (Matthew 26:55)
Jesus is challenging his opponents for using violence to arrest him.
He was never a threat to others, nor did he ever use or encourage the use of weapons.
He urged submission to the authorities, and love for ALL people, including enemies.
So why would his opponents think that he was leading a rebellion?
There is something in human nature that cannot avoid rebellion and violence.
We (un)naturally assume that the way to fix a problem is to resort to force or violence.
Jesus defies this worldly spirit by urging humility and gentleness on his followers.
Of course his followers have a hard time getting this too.
They also act as if Jesus is leading a rebellion, and show up with weapons.
Throughout history christians have been just as forceful and violent… in Jesus’s name.
Still today many feel that showing up in force (protests) is the Jesus Way.
We are NOT called to overcome evil with force, but with the powerful fruit of grace.
We are not in a rebellion against our government, we are not fighting human powers.
Put your swords and clubs (and guns) away, Jesus followers, he is not leading a rebellion!
Lord, may we like you use kindness, compassion, humility and gentleness to overcome evil and to win souls back. May we stop acting and sounding like the world in how we ‘fight’.


  1. “Am I leading a rebellion, that you have come out with swords and clubs to capture me?” Do we misunderstand Jesus too? Do we think too much in earthly power mindsets? How do we think we will win instead of what is a win in Jesus name? Wars and fighting – what does it really lead to? Ultimately the heart of the most aggressive dictator can be won over – and each person will have to give account. Paul Pot, Ide Amin, Hitler etc. all will be judged. Lord help me to discern how you would have me stand up – standing up and giving voice in ways that help people to hear and to know about your peaceful way – the way to a better life with you now and forever. I know – force is not the way!

  2. Those who had left everything to follow Him now deserted Him. There are times that I too did not stand up for Jesus and deserted Him. The enemy came at night in the cloak of darkness since they were afraid of the crowds who followed Jesus. The darkness was also a cover because they served the prince of darkness. Jesus came as a servant King and not as a warrior. God’s way is the way of truth and love through action. I do not know my own strength until the temptation puts me to the proof. Help me Lord to stand up for You in the way of grace and truth.

    Grace and truth shall mark the way
    Where the Lord His own will lead,
    If His word they still obey
    And His testimonies heed.

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