PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 26:31-35
What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“‘I will never disown you.’ And all the other disciples said the same.” (Matthew 26:35)
I am humbled when I read these words, as I think of similar boasts I have made.
‘I would never do this’ or ‘I will always believe this’ or ‘I know the truth!’
Peter is known for his boastful bravado, but all the disciples are the same.
In our stronger moments, we feel we can take on the world, that we really know what is what.
I am not over 50 years old, and that boastful bravado is failing.
Though my spirit is willing, my flesh is weak, and so is my mind.
What I thought I knew with absolute certainty, I now wonder about.
It is hard to be critical of others now; if I was in their shoes, would I be different?
Would I have been like Peter and all the other disciples… ‘who, not me!”
I now admit that my faith is weak, my understanding is limited.
My confidence is not in the strength of my faith, but in my hope in Jesus.
I am confident that Jesus will not fall away on account of me, he will not disown me.
Or better, I desperately count on this to be true, because it is my only hope.
He has died with me, and for me, and he will never disown me… despite my weaknness.
Lord, humble me enough to despair of my own strength and goodness, but not to the point of despairing to your strength and goodness. You will never disown me!
Words and actions or words and deeds. They need to be the same. However when things get difficult or when I take the low road because it is easier – the times I do not stand up for Jesus for I am weak but He is strong I too have disowned my Saviour. I am no different than the disciples of Christ. Christ used the disciples to proclaim His Word. He used them to proclaim the good news – Jesus saves. And He still uses sinners like me to proclaim His good news. What a Saviour! I am His and He is mine and that connection brings me life everlasting. Help me daily Lord to stand up for You.
Stand up, stand up for Jesus,
stand in his strength alone;
the arm of flesh will fail you,
ye dare not trust your own.
Put on the gospel armor,
each piece put on with prayer;
where duty calls or danger,
be never wanting there.
“This very night you will all fall away on account of me, for it is written: ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’” I know that in my weaker moments when I was falling away it was because I was disconnected from the shepherd – I lose my way. I can understand how the disciples were scattered and were lost – even if Jesus had warned them. Yet what Jesus said was not comprehensible even though they had seen him raise the dead. Jesus could do that for others while he is a alive – but to leap to think that He himself would conquer death. We have a death conquering shepherd – through him we also are raised from the death of a sinful damaged life! Yes, I was disconnected – but Jesus found me – my life will never be the same! I have to stay connected to my shepherd!