A message from Jesus?

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 23:29-36

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Therefore I am sending you prophets and sages and teachers.” (Matthew 23:34)
The reading today contains harsh words of judgment against the religious leaders.
Those who ought to be representing God’s goodness and grace are not.
They are silencing and killing those who challenge them… as their ancestors did.
Apparently religious people have a tendency to crucify God’s messengers.
It is encouraging to see how even so, Jesus will STILL send messengers to call us back.
Jesus does not give up on us even when we’re stubborn, and keeps sending messengers.
So who are the messengers Jesus is sending me, and who am I inclined to crucify?
Who is Jesus speaking to me through, that I am refusing to pay attention to?
When I’m so convinced I’m right is when I’m at the greatest risk of not hearing Jesus.
My usual tendency when I hear contrary voices is to challenge them, to correct them.
But maybe instead I should listen humbly and graciously, looking for Jesus in their words.
Even if much of what they say is wrong, there may be something from Jesus in it.
I do believe Jesus still sends messengers to comfort, convict and challenge us.
The question is, am I crucifying them, or am I considering what they are saying?
Lord, help me to crucify this tendency to correct those who disagree with me. Help me to discern with your help if there is something I need to hear from you though them.


  1. Self righteous hypocrisy – misplaced piety – O Lord help me to stamp out any inkling of these attitudes in me. Lord help me not to get ‘high minded’ bt keep my humble and walking in step with you and not misled by my own ego or desires for ‘worthiness’ or recognition! These are vain things that detract me from serving you faithfully and fully. HS work within – I need you every hour – help me be self aware and discerning!

  2. Discerning the word of the Lord sent by His messengers is an ongoing activity. How do I hear the Lord speaking this day? God i

    s among His people as He has promised but how do I hear His voice saying this is the way, walk in it? God continues to lead His people even today but I need open ears and open eyes and an open heart to hear Him speaking.

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Open the eyes of my heart
    I want to see You
    I want to see You

    To see You high and lifted up
    Shinin’ in the light of Your glory
    Pour out Your power and love
    As we sing holy, holy, holy

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