More important matters of the Law!

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 23:23-28

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The more important matters of the law — justice, mercy and faithfulness.” (Matthew 23:23)
Are some parts of the law more important than others?
There is confusion because we conflate God’s Law with the Law of Moses.
God’s Law is the eternal Law of Love, that is revealed through the Law of Moses.
The Law of Moses (Torah) was the whole book, including the many stories.
It was tied to the Mosaic covenant, the covenant with Israel as a nation.
There were many laws shaped by and for the context, the specific needs and challenges.
But all that was written by Moses hung on the Law of Love (Matthew 22:40).
Love is a summary word for justice, mercy and faithfulness – what is more important.
The religious leaders kept the rule to the nth degree, but they did not love.
As citizens of Israel and under the Moses covenant, they should have kept that covenant.
But more importantly, they should have honoured what it was all about: love.
Today I see the same error in the church; neglecting the more important matters.
We are not under Moses’s Law but Christ’s Law, the Law of Love (1 Corinthians 9:21).
Am I being fair? merciful? loyal to God and people? – this is what matters most!
Lord, the spirit of the pharisees is alive and well in me, and in the church. Help me focus on what matters most to you, and to devote myself to that!


  1. Jesus says to these teachers of the law: “But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.” They were so focused on judging how well they or others were practicing according to the letter of the law – that they were missing the point – if they would focus on justice, mercy and faithfulness – Jesus said they would be in fact be obeying the intent of the law. Jesus goes on to say, fix the insider and the the outside will come. It a person receives mercy that person will be more inclined to want to do what’s right from the inside. I know my heart changed when I experienced grace – and I started to put my desires aside – so that I could seek what I know Jesus would do. It’s the HS working inside hearts that change people – the law is external – Jesus indicates it is important but its not the first thing – love mercy, justice and walk humbly with the HS.- Lord thank you for presence to guide me!

  2. And the greatest of these is love – love God; love man. And this love comes through my actions. Actions speak louder than words. Actions or deeds show what one is anchored to. Not my will, Lord, but Your will be done. All for Jesus. Today it is His day as is every day and it is in His power, leading, guiding that I may be an instrument of His peace. May His Spirit continue to lead me and guide me always.

    Spirit of the Living God
    Fall fresh on me
    Spirit of the Living God
    Fall fresh on me
    Melt me mold me
    Fill me use me
    Spirit of the Living God
    Fall fresh on me

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